info Overview
Name - What is Ryan Marine Silva’s full name?

Ryan Marine Silva

Role - What is Ryan Marine Silva’s role in your story?

Kent Wendell's friend

Other names - What other aliases does Ryan Marine Silva go by?


Gender - What is Ryan Marine Silva’s gender?


Age - How old is Ryan Marine Silva?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Ryan Marine Silva weigh?


Height - How tall is Ryan Marine Silva?


Hair Color - What color is Ryan Marine Silva’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Ryan Marine Silva style their hair?

Medium length, wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ryan Marine Silva have?

Beard, short

Eye Color - What is Ryan Marine Silva’s eye color?

Crystal blue

Race - What is Ryan Marine Silva’s race?


Skin Tone

Light, freckles

Body Type

Long, lanky but still fit

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ryan Marine Silva have?

A couple darker moles on the right side of his face

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ryan Marine Silva have?

Before the Taken: Social, amiable, kind, over-giving.
After: Grumpy, closed off, still kind and giving.

Motivations - What motivates Ryan Marine Silva most?

Learning what happened to his best friend, Kent Wendell

Flaws - What flaws does Ryan Marine Silva have?

Over-sacrificing, grumpy and offputting to newcomers

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ryan Marine Silva have?

Believes the world is against him

Talents - What talents does Ryan Marine Silva have?

A wonderful singer and never forgets a face

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ryan Marine Silva have?

Playing guitar, singing, working out, cleaning the gymnasium


Has a limp from a work-related injury

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Ryan Marine Silva practice?


Politics - What politics does Ryan Marine Silva have?


Occupation - What is Ryan Marine Silva’s occupation?

Works at the school gymnasium as the head of basically everything

Favorite color - What is Ryan Marine Silva’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Ryan Marine Silva’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Ryan Marine Silva’s favorite possession?

The stupid pink friendship bracelet that Kent gave him first semester as a joke.

Favorite weapon - What is Ryan Marine Silva’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Ryan Marine Silva’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Ryan Marine Silva have?

Works at the gymnasium

date_range History
Education - What is Ryan Marine Silva’s level of education?

High school diploma, a college dropout

Background - What is Ryan Marine Silva’s background?

Ryan grew up in Brazil when he was young, but came to American at around 10 years old. He joined the college campus to become a journalism major and quickly became best friends with Kent Wendell
After Kent's disappearance, Ryan drove himself to the brink of insanity trying to find his friend. After being commited to a mental hopsital for three months, he returned to college with nowhere else to go. The college, taking pity on him, offered Ryan a job in the gymnasium, with most of his payment including permanent on-campus housing. He's worked there ever since, and has become the 'college grandfather and conspiracy theorist'

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Friends link linked Ryan Marine Silva

Building chevron_right Tenants link mentioned Ryan Marine Silva

This character was created by Chesca Lynn on

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