info Overview
Name - What is Brett Hierro’s full name?

Brett Hierro

Role - What is Brett Hierro’s role in your story?

Christopher Kline best friend and runner on the track team

Other names - What other aliases does Brett Hierro go by?

Brie, Runner

Gender - What is Brett Hierro’s gender?


Age - How old is Brett Hierro?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Brett Hierro weigh?


Height - How tall is Brett Hierro?


Hair Color - What color is Brett Hierro’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Brett Hierro style their hair?

Short, wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Brett Hierro have?


Eye Color - What is Brett Hierro’s eye color?

Golden brown

Race - What is Brett Hierro’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Brett Hierro have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Brett Hierro have?

Quiet, understanding, thoughtful, hard-working

Motivations - What motivates Brett Hierro most?

He's constantly pushing himself to be the best version he can be. He isn't striving for perfection, he's striving for himself.

Flaws - What flaws does Brett Hierro have?

Often won't speak up for himself, passive, doesn't like taking risks, or stepping outside of his comfort zone

Prejudices - What prejudices does Brett Hierro have?

Not really any

Talents - What talents does Brett Hierro have?

He can run, he can skateboard, he can bake and cook incredibly well, and he's good at getting people to trust him

Hobbies - What hobbies does Brett Hierro have?

Running, cooking, helping his friends when he can

Personality type - What personality type is Brett Hierro?



Beat leukemia as a kid, shrimp allergy

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Brett Hierro practice?


Politics - What politics does Brett Hierro have?


Occupation - What is Brett Hierro’s occupation?

College student

Favorite color - What is Brett Hierro’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Brett Hierro’s favorite food?

Anything his mother makes

Favorite possession - What is Brett Hierro’s favorite possession?

His mothers recipe book

Favorite weapon - What is Brett Hierro’s favorite weapon?

Bowstaff or any other kind of staff

Favorite animal - What is Brett Hierro’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Brett Hierro have?

He works as a waiter at a local restaurant

date_range History
Birthday - When is Brett Hierro’s birthday?


Education - What is Brett Hierro’s level of education?

College student

Background - What is Brett Hierro’s background?

Brett grew up in a Hispanic neighborhood surrounded by his culture. He beat leukemia before he hit 7 years old, and was dearly loved by his family. His father died when he was 16, leaving Brett to care for his family, but they insisted he go to college, and he chose the practical business route so after he graduates he can open a resturaunt with his family. He joined the track team first day on campus, and him and Chris have been inseperable ever since.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Friends link linked Brett Hierro

This character was created by Chesca Lynn on

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