info Overview
Name - What is Spector’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Spector go by?

The Phantom of []
The Spectral Dancer
Ghost Rogue
The Masked Thief
Specs (from the Squad)

Role - What is Spector’s role in your story?

Rogue/ Thief

Age - How old is Spector?


Gender - What is Spector’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Spector have?

The are covered in golden bandages (the drawing is inaccurate)

Hair Style - How does Spector style their hair?

Two long braids at the side of their body

Hair Color - What color is Spector’s hair?


Height - How tall is Spector?

5'11 ft

Weight - How much does Spector weigh?

168 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Spector have?

A mask they refuse to remove
They also don't take off their bandages

Body Type

Slim and athletic, but can knock a ho out

Skin Tone


Race - What is Spector’s race?

I have no idea, it's not human it's what ever bs species I made for this story just deal with it i'll never stop

Eye Color - What is Spector’s eye color?

Various shades of Green

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Spector have?

Eat the rich

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Spector have?

Aloof but snarky and doesn't hesitate to voice their thoughts and opinions
They keep to themselves most of the time, but opens up to the squad as time goes on
They tap their feet if they're too bored
Surprisingly level headed for a town-declared heartless vagrant

Motivations - What motivates Spector most?

They're along for the ride
Secretly they want to find out more about themselves and find their place in the world

Flaws - What flaws does Spector have?

They don't tell the Squad a lot about themselves and don't divulge into their history too often
They are the main cause of tension in the Squad as they keep many secrets and don't share much information even if it would be important for them to know
The way they fight (deception and traps) goes against the honor bound principals of the Knights and causes even more tension
Quite the arrogant, sneaky bastard to most people
They have some apparent trust issues

Talents - What talents does Spector have?

They are a ridiculously good dancer and acrobatic
They are by far the most dexterous member of the group
They are a sneaky devil who can also deceive people very easily (much to the chagrin of the Knights. Mage and Wanda don't care that much)
They wield a strange, never before seen magic, that can only be described as blasts of energy that deal damage to whatever it hits
They can also take off their braids and literally wail on people like their whips

Hobbies - What hobbies does Spector have?

Dancing, as previously stated
Being a lil sh- friend
Dismantling the caste system
Overthrowing oppressive establishments
Hand puppets

brightness_7 Magic

At their introduction, the magic the Spector produces cannot be easily defined. Its green orbs of energy that can be manipulated to their will, but the most that Specs does with it is throw it at people and make them explode. There's a lot more to it, but that's spoiler territory lmao

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Spector’s favorite food?

They aren't seen eating. Ever.

Favorite weapon - What is Spector’s favorite weapon?

Their own braids

Favorite possession - What is Spector’s favorite possession?

Their mask (?)

Favorite color - What is Spector’s favorite color?

Who knows

Occupation - What is Spector’s occupation?


info History
Background - What is Spector’s background?


device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

They are a lonely person. Spector does not have any family or loved ones whatsoever, but have a constant need to never show themselves to people. They steal from the rich and give to the poor, but never reveal their identity to those people. Although they hate the feeling of being alone and forgotten, they love the feeling of someone being happy because of their actions even more. This is a foil to Knight since he also loves the feeling of joy and happiness, but he never has any hang ups about being forgotten. Also, he helps people as a noble and valiant knight whereas Spector helps people as an honorable and chivalrous thief. Remarkably enough, this is what leads them to have a stable friendship over the story, despite Knight's apparent disapproval over Specs' battle methods and Specs' own annoyance at Knight's overeager instinct follow Great Knight's advice.

Spector's voice would sound like either Sungwon Cho (ProZD) or penguinz0 (cr1tical). Basically, a deep masculine voice to juxtapose their (mostly) feminine appearance.

Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Spector

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Spector

This character was created by Dinosore19 on

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