info Overview
Name - What is Juni Stivron’s full name?

Juni Stivron

Role - What is Juni Stivron’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Juni Stivron go by?


Gender - What is Juni Stivron’s gender?


Age - How old is Juni Stivron?

3 (Under World)
13 (By the epilogue of Under World)

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Juni Stivron’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Juni Stivron style their hair?

Short, thin

Eye Color - What is Juni Stivron’s eye color?


Race - What is Juni Stivron’s race?

Part Wolf
Part Human
Part Vampire
Dragon Heritage

Skin Tone


fingerprint Nature
groups Social
date_range History
Birthday - When is Juni Stivron’s birthday?

February 26

Background - What is Juni Stivron’s background?

Juniper "Juni" Stivron-du Cronos was born into a complex legacy, the only daughter of Freki du Cronos and his late wife, Mary Stivron. Her story began just before the Atlantic War, but her entry into the world came at a tragic cost. Mary passed away during childbirth—not only because Juni was a difficult baby to bring into the world (being a blend of wolf, human, dragon, and vampire bloodlines), but also because Mary had been severely weakened at the time. The strain was too much, and Juni was left without her mother from the very start.

After her mother’s death, Juni was raised by her father, Freki, and her aunt Megan, who stepped in to help care for her as though she were her own daughter. For much of her early life, Juni believed that Mary had actually been her aunt. Megan had a son of her own, James, who became Juni’s older half-brother and constant companion growing up.

As they grew, the two children quickly displayed the kinds of skills both of them were unlocking.
While Juni was born a she-wolf (although one the size of an ordinary wolf, unlike her elephant-sized wolf dad), James was more human and was clearly gifted in magic.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

• Juniper's beast-like heritage (dragon, wolf) are more prominent in her than her brother, who is more magic-skilled.

flash_on Powers/Abilities
sports_kabaddi Family
Main Family

Freki du Cronos [Father]
Mary & Megan Stivron [Biological Mother & Aunt/Adoptive Mother]
James Stivron [Half-Brother]

Extended Family

Akane [Paternal Grandmother]
Anthony du Cronos [Paternal Grandfather]
Ma'at du Cronos, Nick du Cronos [Paternal Half-Uncles]

Character chevron_right Main Family link mentioned Juni Stivron

Character chevron_right Extended Family link mentioned Juni Stivron

Character chevron_right Background link mentioned Juni Stivron

Character chevron_right Age link mentioned Juni Stivron

This character was created by Robin Blade on

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