info Overview
Name - What is Alibi Keita’s full name?

Alibi Keita

Pronunciation/ Catch Phrase


Other names - What other aliases does Alibi Keita go by?

Al or Bea

Gender - What is Alibi Keita’s gender?

He/ Him

Age - How old is Alibi Keita?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Alibi Keita weigh?


Height - How tall is Alibi Keita?

5' 11"

Hair Color - What color is Alibi Keita’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Alibi Keita style their hair?



Earnings, one big blue, smaller turquoise

Eye Color - What is Alibi Keita’s eye color?

China Blue

Race - What is Alibi Keita’s race?

Red River Hog

Skin Tone

Dark Tan

Body Type

Muscular, Heavy-set

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Alibi Keita have?

A white strip runs across his snout and eyes, underneath it is a dark brown. His limbs are the same dark brown cut off at the joint. He has a light tan underbelly. That same tan can be found bordering the dark brown on his limbs.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Alibi Keita have?

Alibi is a sociable hog. He is very caring and fatherly. He looks intimidating due to his species and physic, but he just wants to make friends and hang out by the river.

Motivations - What motivates Alibi Keita most?

His family (grandma, father, mother, uncle)

Flaws - What flaws does Alibi Keita have?

He is stubborn and blunt, having a chill no BS attitude. He can be short-tempered and aggressive when provoked.


Longboard, Sketchbook

Talents - What talents does Alibi Keita have?

Swimming, Strong Smell, Art, Graffiti

Hobbies - What hobbies does Alibi Keita have?

Skateboarding, Exploring, Graffiti

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Alibi Keita’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Alibi Keita’s favorite food?

Rice, Avocado

Favorite possession - What is Alibi Keita’s favorite possession?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Alibi Keita’s birthday?

Apr 03, 2002

Education - What is Alibi Keita’s level of education?

He is currently in high school with mainly C's in all of his classes. During grade school, he was homeschooled. He switched to the local middle school in 7th grade.

Background - What is Alibi Keita’s background?

His great grandparents immigrated to America when they were young. Since then, he and his family have lived in this small town. They are a proud family who put a ton of weight on their history.

device_hub Family
edit Like, Dislikes & Relationship Status

Likes: Rain, Nature, Crystals, Open Water(Rivers, Lakes, ext)

Dislikes: Extreme Temperatures, Shouting, Waking up Late, Chipping his tusks

Relationship Status: Bisexual, Single

Fav Place: Countryside, Railroads, Farmlands

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