info Overview
Name - What is Jonah Vogel’s full name?

Jonah Vogel

Role - What is Jonah Vogel’s role in your story?

Silas's doted upon half brother.

Other names - What other aliases does Jonah Vogel go by?

Jo or Jojo to his parents, sometimes.

Age - How old is Jonah Vogel?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jonah Vogel have?

4 years old.

Motivations - What motivates Jonah Vogel most?

Getting to eat chicken nuggets and play with toys, learning to tie his shoes, stuff like that.

Flaws - What flaws does Jonah Vogel have?

Spoiled, not very smart (because he is 4), annoying (because he is 4)

Talents - What talents does Jonah Vogel have?

He's got an okay vocabulary, for a very young child.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jonah Vogel have?

Driving his toy cars over his road-design carpet (you know the one), running around in the sprinkler while yelling, trying to hula hoop, watching TV

Personality type - What personality type is Jonah Vogel?


Zodiac Sign



Animals that are larger than him

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Jonah Vogel practice?

He goes to church with his mom, but as he is 4, he isn't really religious.

Politics - What politics does Jonah Vogel have?

He has not thought about it, because he's 4.

Occupation - What is Jonah Vogel’s occupation?

Daycare attender

Favorite color - What is Jonah Vogel’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Jonah Vogel’s favorite food?

Dino chicken nuggets with butter-soaked peas and carrots

Favorite possession - What is Jonah Vogel’s favorite possession?

His knit baby blanket

Favorite animal - What is Jonah Vogel’s favorite animal?


date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Jonah Vogel weigh?

40 lbs

Height - How tall is Jonah Vogel?


Hair Color - What color is Jonah Vogel’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Jonah Vogel style their hair?

Fluffy, wispy, short

Eye Color - What is Jonah Vogel’s eye color?


Skin Tone


Body Type


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edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Jonah Vogel

Character chevron_right Children link linked Jonah Vogel

This character was created by charlotte on

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