info Overview
Name - What is David Vogel’s full name?

David Vogel

Role - What is David Vogel’s role in your story?

Silas' father, an actuary recovering from a painkiller addiction. Now has a second family to whom he gives most of his attention.

Other names - What other aliases does David Vogel go by?

Dave or Davie, to Sarah

Age - How old is David Vogel?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does David Vogel have?

Gruff and quick-moving. Likes to get to the point. Will often tap or fidget if someone is taking too long to tell him something/answer him.

Motivations - What motivates David Vogel most?

Being a better father for Jonah than he was for Silas.

Flaws - What flaws does David Vogel have?

Impatient, temperamental, selfish

Talents - What talents does David Vogel have?

He's very good at math, and has a sort of innate understanding of numbers.

Hobbies - What hobbies does David Vogel have?

Chess, card games, poker, golf

Personality type - What personality type is David Vogel?

ESTP 8w7


Tachycardia, undiagnosed adult ADHD, recovered opioid addict

Zodiac Sign



Being bored or unfulfilled, which he often is

groups Social
Religion - What religion does David Vogel practice?

Raised Jewish, but he isn't devout.

Politics - What politics does David Vogel have?

Centrist, leaning conservative, but he doesn't typically concern himself with politics.

Occupation - What is David Vogel’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is David Vogel’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is David Vogel’s favorite food?

Beef bourguignon and red wine

Favorite possession - What is David Vogel’s favorite possession?

His Hugo Boss sport coat

Favorite animal - What is David Vogel’s favorite animal?


date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does David Vogel weigh?

138 lbs

Height - How tall is David Vogel?


Hair Color - What color is David Vogel’s hair?

Graying strawberry blonde

Hair Style - How does David Vogel style their hair?

Curly, short, typically sprayed or gelled

Facial Hair - What facial hair does David Vogel have?

Short beard

Eye Color - What is David Vogel’s eye color?

Light blue

Skin Tone


Body Type

Thin, wiry

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does David Vogel have?

Light chest hair

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edit Notes
Character chevron_right Fathers link linked David Vogel

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked David Vogel

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