info Overview
Name - What is Sarah Vogel’s full name?

Sarah Vogel

Role - What is Sarah Vogel’s role in your story?

Silas' friendly but distant stepmom, the wife of David Vogel.

Age - How old is Sarah Vogel?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Sarah Vogel have?

Talks a lot but says little. Often takes a while to come up with an answer to a question. Says "yeesh," "geez," and "yikes" a lot.

Motivations - What motivates Sarah Vogel most?

Taking good care of Jonah and David.

Flaws - What flaws does Sarah Vogel have?

Simple, judgmental, disorganized

Talents - What talents does Sarah Vogel have?

Good with people. Decent voice (was in her university's choral ensemble).

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sarah Vogel have?

Singing in church choir, playing board games and card games, running, swimming, shopping at Target

Personality type - What personality type is Sarah Vogel?

ESFP 2w3

Zodiac Sign



Drowning in debt, messing her son up

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Sarah Vogel practice?


Politics - What politics does Sarah Vogel have?

Centrist, but doesn't think much about politics.

Occupation - What is Sarah Vogel’s occupation?

Starbucks manager

Favorite color - What is Sarah Vogel’s favorite color?

Teal and purple

Favorite food - What is Sarah Vogel’s favorite food?

Chicken parmesan

Favorite possession - What is Sarah Vogel’s favorite possession?

Her Acura MDX with a built-in backseat TV.

Favorite animal - What is Sarah Vogel’s favorite animal?


date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Sarah Vogel weigh?


Height - How tall is Sarah Vogel?


Hair Color - What color is Sarah Vogel’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Sarah Vogel style their hair?

Straight, thick, upper-back length

Eye Color - What is Sarah Vogel’s eye color?


Skin Tone

Fair to tan

Body Type

Curvy, thick upper arms and thighs

shopping_basket Inventory
device_hub Family
format_list_bulleted Stats
looks Random
audiotrack Playlist
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Mothers link linked Sarah Vogel

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Sarah Vogel

This character was created by charlotte on

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