info Overview
Name - What is Fern’s full name?


Role - What is Fern’s role in your story?

King of the Sand Kingdom, Scorpia's husband.

Gender - What is Fern’s gender?


Age - How old is Fern?


remove_red_eye Looks
Height - How tall is Fern?


Eye Color - What is Fern’s eye color?

Bright blue with hints of green and gold.

Race - What is Fern’s race?


Scale color

Fern is a RainWing, so his scales often shift in color, but his resting colors match his eyes. Blue, teal, green, and gold.

Body Type

Fern is tall and strong. He has long legs and medium wings. His tail doesn't curl quite as much as other RainWings, but he can still grasp things with it. His horns are long as well and he has a sharp face with high cheekbones and a pointed snout.

Identifying Features

Fern is easily recognizable by his scales. Gold isn't a common resting color among RainWings, and his multicolored collage of scales are quite unique.

local_florist Personality
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Fern have?

Fern is very well-spoken. People respect him and he behaves with dignity and self-importance. He is also, however, very funny and lighthearted. He's approachable, helpful, and people aren't afraid to talk to him.

Motivations - What motivates Fern most?

Fern is motivated by a fear of failure. He doesn't show it at all and many people don't know, but he always works harder than he needs to in order to succeed. When he tries to learn a new skill, he throws himself in headfirst and will study for hours on end, teaching himself and trying to master everything he attempts.

Flaws - What flaws does Fern have?

Fern can be a little distant sometimes if he's not reminded to seek out social situations frequently. He loves people, but he's not used to being around them so his default is to retreat and be alone, although it makes him very lonely. Thankfully, Scorpia regularly drags him places and makes sure he isn't being too anti-social.

Talents - What talents does Fern have?

Fern is a very fast learner and has a nearly photographic memory. He is a quick thinker and always comes up with unique and out-of-the-box solutions to problems he's faced with.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Fern have?

Fern enjoys reading, hanging out with friends, thinking through political issues and just his job in general.

Personality type - What personality type is Fern?

Fern is strong and respectable. He has a stoic and serious outside persona, but when you get to know him he can be really sweet and kind. He's funny, witty, and incredibly smart. He is great to have a conversation with and has many layers of personality to him. Fern loves his family and friends and has many talents and skills which make him a great king. Some SandWings may have been upset at first that their king was a RainWing, but when they saw just how good at the job Fern was, they changed their minds.

group Relationships
Occupation - What is Fern’s occupation?

King of the Sand Kingdom, used to be a nurse in the rainforest.

Favorite color - What is Fern’s favorite color?


Favorite possession - What is Fern’s favorite possession?

His life.

local_library History
Birthday - When is Fern’s birthday?

July 19th

Education - What is Fern’s level of education?

Fern graduated from RainWing public school and has also attended a small medical school in the Rain Kingdom.

Early Life

Fern was born in the Rain Kingdom. There he worked as a nurse and treated many patients and saved several lives during the war. He never fought in any battles though. About a year after the war ended he started dating Scorpia and the two were married quickly. At their wedding, Fern was crowned official king of the SandWings. Their honeymoon took place in the southern islands of the Rain Kingdom and their first daughter, Tigris, was hatched a year later.

edit Notes

Fern still sometimes acts as medical staff during times when the hospitals could use the help, as he wants to keep up his skills in that area.

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This character was created by Scorpia on

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