info Overview
Name - What is Evie Alcippe’s full name?

Evie Alcippe

Role - What is Evie Alcippe’s role in your story?

Head of the Royal Botanical Greenhouse

Gender - What is Evie Alcippe’s gender?


Age - How old is Evie Alcippe?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Evie Alcippe weigh?

112 lbs

Height - How tall is Evie Alcippe?


Hair Color - What color is Evie Alcippe’s hair?

Blonde with red tips

Hair Style - How does Evie Alcippe style their hair?

Short, straight, comes down to just above her shoulders

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Evie Alcippe have?


Eye Color - What is Evie Alcippe’s eye color?


Race - What is Evie Alcippe’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Evie Alcippe have?

Red tips of her hair, tattoos of plants on her forearms (left forearm has highly medicinal plants and instructions for their use, right forearm has highly deadly plants)

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Evie Alcippe have?

Folds origami with any paper on hand (she loves folding paper, something about the precision of the lines calms her), dyes the tips of her hair different colors with her homemade plant-based dyes

Motivations - What motivates Evie Alcippe most?

Helping people, cares about others more than herself so she always wants to solve everyone’s problems

Flaws - What flaws does Evie Alcippe have?

Can help others too much and leave herself struggling, commits to more than it is possible for her to do alone, has moments of indecision in times of crisis, is sometimes annoying.
Sometimes scratches her leg or pulls her hair or pinches herself to calm herself down, center herself, or just punish herself for doing something wrong, which to her, is sometimes just existing.
Doesn’t take criticism of herself that well, will shut her mouth and go silent at the slightest expression of disinterest or annoyance. Forgives easily, and wishes she didn’t, because people sometimes take advantage of that and think that hurting her isn’t impactful because it seems that she doesn’t care. But she doesn’t forget past wrongs, but never acts on them.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Evie Alcippe have?

Dislikes people who are overly positive
Looks down on those who can’t grasp what, to her, are simple concepts
If anyone hurts her friends, she will have a grudge against them for life (if she doesn’t forget that she’s supposed to be having one)

Talents - What talents does Evie Alcippe have?

Can think of a plant-based tincture or remedy for almost anything

Hobbies - What hobbies does Evie Alcippe have?

Gardening (duh), learning new things (she has an inquisitive mind), reading
LOVES to bake, and almost always shares her food with anyone who wants some. Sometimes people take advantage of her forgiving personality and steal her food, acting like it’s no big deal. Evie just deals with this and never says anything, but it sometimes hurts because she feels like people don’t treat her like a person, just an endless fountain of love and kindness that they can use to their advantage.

Personality type - What personality type is Evie Alcippe?

INFP-T. Kind, nervous a lot of the time, really caring and wants to solve everyone’s problems. Tries to find the good in people, but also is very pessimistic about bad situations. Forever thinks she isn’t good enough and thinks that all of her friends actually hate her. Is on guard for all types of aggression, but will more likely protect someone else than herself. Holds others’ opinions in very high esteem, thinks that she herself is next to worthless, counts on others to reassure her that she’s not. If just one person doesn’t like her, then she thinks that she doesn’t deserve anything. Some people think that she’s annoying, and she thinks that few people completely define her, so is quick to shut up and needs reassurance.
Otherwise, she’s very emotional and excitable, especially about issues she knows things about. If you mention a topic that she knows about, she will have to hold herself in to not just talk on and on about it. Will talk about something for hours if you assure her that she’s not annoying. With people like Queen Veda, who has never told her that she’s annoying and doesn’t take advantage of her, she will talk for hours and vent about anything. She’s more comfortable with people she knows well. With people who she doesn’t know that well, she holds herself back from talking too much because she values people’s opinions very highly, and doesn’t want them to think that she’s annoying.


Doesn’t have anxiety, is just “broken” according to her.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Evie Alcippe practice?

Polytheistic Settan religion

Politics - What politics does Evie Alcippe have?

Supports the queen, is an advisor to her. Follows the rules down to the letter, hates to break them and usually needs someone else to make the big decisions.
Is on the “liberal” end of the “liberal-conservative” scale.
Is more of the “lieutenant” type than the “colonel” type.

Occupation - What is Evie Alcippe’s occupation?

Head of the Royal Botanical Greenhouse

Favorite color - What is Evie Alcippe’s favorite color?

Jade green

Favorite food - What is Evie Alcippe’s favorite food?

Naan bread

Favorite possession - What is Evie Alcippe’s favorite possession?

A leather necklace with a golden leaf on it from Queen Veda

Favorite weapon - What is Evie Alcippe’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Evie Alcippe’s favorite animal?

Cats, more specifically “fluffy ones” because she has several herself

Job - What job does Evie Alcippe have?

Evie is one of the main characters going on the quest. She acts as a voice of reason, caterer, emotional support animal, and shoulder to cry on.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Evie Alcippe’s birthday?

April 3rd

Education - What is Evie Alcippe’s level of education?

Educated in the ways of horse riding and training when she was younger, was self-taught herbalism and botany from books as well, but once she moved to the palace she could fully invest herself in botany at the greenhouses

Background - What is Evie Alcippe’s background?

Both of her parents are alive (shocker, I know). She was born into a horse-breeding family, and retains her love of horses and rather admirable equestrian skills. When she was about ten, however, she discovered that horse breeding and training was not her passion and started teaching herself herbalism and botany. When she was 13, she begged her parents to let her move to the capital city to study more on plants and become an apprentice at the Royal Botanical Greenhouses. Developed a love of philosophies (all of them, has existential crises sometimes) and origami by reading a lot in the palace library. She was appointed to the botanical greenhouses at age 14 as head because she detected poison in former Queen Ashanti’s cup. Plus, she was the only one who wanted the job. Struck up a close-as-possible-with-their-personalities friendship with Keyrala, the Corvus assassin (who isn’t allowed to kill people unless in very specific circumstances). She supplies Keyrala with her plant tinctures for her assassin work.
Her insecurities come from being a forgiving, kind person who people sometimes take advantage of. She thinks of the minority (people who think she’s annoying) and believes it’s the majority. Constantly thinks that everyone actually hates her, even though no one has ever come out and said it. Overthinking, amirite?

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Evie Alcippe have?

Raven companion named Anastasia Anabiel
Cat named Potato
Cat named Shadow
Cat named Silver Queen

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Paper Crane Enthusiast on

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