info Overview
Name - What is Arissa Narim’s full name?

Arissa Narim

Role - What is Arissa Narim’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Arissa Narim go by?

Riss, an affectionate nickname given to her by Annike Allaidh (aww)

Gender - What is Arissa Narim’s gender?


Age - How old is Arissa Narim?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Arissa Narim weigh?


Height - How tall is Arissa Narim?


Hair Color - What color is Arissa Narim’s hair?

Black with 5 white streaks

Hair Style - How does Arissa Narim style their hair?

Long, thick center braid

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Arissa Narim have?


Eye Color - What is Arissa Narim’s eye color?


Race - What is Arissa Narim’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone


Body Type

Curvy but strong

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Arissa Narim have?

The white streaks in her hair which represent her rank

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Arissa Narim have?

Repeatedly brushes her hair out of her eyes when nervous

Motivations - What motivates Arissa Narim most?

Constantly trying to prove herself

Flaws - What flaws does Arissa Narim have?

Very low self-esteem, thinks she’s a weak idiot, lets other people push her around. She’s impulsive and doesn’t think before she acts, especially in battle situations. She doesn’t think things through completely. This may seem counter-intuitive with her constant need to prove herself, but it happens as partially a result of that. Maybe this time, she’ll do it right and everyone will love her now. Sometimes doesn’t take anything seriously because if she does then it could affect her, and that would be bad.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Arissa Narim have?

Doesn’t really have any, likes and trusts people in general. But she has a deep-seated distrust of those who walked over her, but rarely acts on it. She forgives because it’s easier, but no matter how hard she tries, she can’t forget.

Talents - What talents does Arissa Narim have?

Excellent martial artist

Hobbies - What hobbies does Arissa Narim have?

She enjoys “feminine” things like makeup, hairstyling, and dressing up
Plays violin, playing an instrument was required for all Rvala. She liked violin, so she picked it to play.

Personality type - What personality type is Arissa Narim?

ESFP-T. She is completely badass in a fight because she’s good enough to even be the elite, she just needs motivation and reassurance that she won’t just be a deadweight. Responds badly to criticism, gives up easily when things turn out badly. Learned to guard her real emotions by putting on an excited and exuberant exterior. Trusts almost everyone, which has gotten her into a fair bit of trouble over the years. Doesn’t hold grudges unless someone has hurt her deeply, like if someone said that they loved her and then betrayed her. When something or someone negatively affects her, she retreats within herself, becoming a quiet shell of her usually excited self, but after a two days maximum she is back to her usual self and all is forgiven. She’s found that it’s easier and less painful to be a doormat and forgive easily than to stand up for herself. But there is an underlying resentment that rarely shows, coming with people taking her for granted and using her. Sometimes has outbursts of anger when things get too bad, but always reverts back to her normal exuberant self afterward so no one really takes her outbursts seriously. Smiles and laughs at almost everything, but somehow it’s not annoying when it’s her. Easygoing and finds it easier to go with the flow than be unmoving.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Arissa Narim practice?

Traditional Settan religion

Politics - What politics does Arissa Narim have?

On the liberal end of the spectrum
Likes following the rules, but won’t object too much to breaking them if they help her or her friends. Doesn’t really like being a leader, sees herself as not worthy for the job

Occupation - What is Arissa Narim’s occupation?

She is part of the elite all-female warrior-entertainer group in Pardus, called the Rvala. The Rvala are trained in martial arts-style combat, but also how to dance and entertain men. She thinks she’s worse than she actually is because she’s not the best in the Rvala.

Favorite color - What is Arissa Narim’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Arissa Narim’s favorite food?

Ridam, a Pardus-specific dessert consisting of sweet bread soaked in milk, toasted, and slathered with berry compote

Favorite possession - What is Arissa Narim’s favorite possession?

Her gold earrings with obsidian pendants because “they’re pretty”

Favorite weapon - What is Arissa Narim’s favorite weapon?

Emeici (super cool, look it up)

Favorite animal - What is Arissa Narim’s favorite animal?

Cloud rabbits (floofy rabbits that live in the north area of Pardus, brown in the summer and white in the winter, hence their name)

Job - What job does Arissa Narim have?

Quester to save Setta, acts as the secondary fighter (after Annike Allaidh, because Annike’s extra like that) for the team

date_range History
Birthday - When is Arissa Narim’s birthday?

July 16th

Education - What is Arissa Narim’s level of education?

She had a basic academic education because she was the daughter of the king, then had a fighting and entertaining education afterwards

Background - What is Arissa Narim’s background?

She is a daughter of the king of Pardus, but her mother was just his favorite concubine at the time so she isn’t a princess. She lives with her mother in a small villa in the nobility sect of Pardus. After she was born, her mother quit being a concubine to the king so that she could raise Arissa. Her mother is very supportive of her and loves her. She is treated like low nobility/high merchant class, and was put into an elite all-female unit of the Pardus military. The females in this unit are taught how to fight hand-to-hand, but are told that their main purpose to entertain and help men. (The nobility of Pardus is very patriarchal, but the classes below that have a lot of equality). This explains her self-esteem issues. She had always enjoyed typically feminine things, but being a Rvala pushed her to be even more feminine. She was never the best in her unit, always being third or fourth to everyone else. She wants to be the best (doesn’t everyone?) but sees herself unworthy to be the best because she isn’t currently the best. The streaks in her hair come from her very high rank in the military, the more streaks the higher the rank. She was on a vacation with her mother in Center when she was picked for the quest by the Oracle.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Arissa Narim have?

Panther patron animal named Diamond (she named him when she was nine before realizing that he was a boy. rip. now she just calls him Di.)

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Paper Crane Enthusiast on

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