info Overview
Name - What is Keyra Lomri’s full name?

Keyra Lomri

Role - What is Keyra Lomri’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Keyra Lomri go by?

Dark Fox

Gender - What is Keyra Lomri’s gender?


Age - How old is Keyra Lomri?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Keyra Lomri weigh?


Height - How tall is Keyra Lomri?


Hair Color - What color is Keyra Lomri’s hair?

Jet black

Hair Style - How does Keyra Lomri style their hair?

Long and messy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Keyra Lomri have?


Eye Color - What is Keyra Lomri’s eye color?

Dark brown

Race - What is Keyra Lomri’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone

Dark coppery

Body Type

Thin and lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Keyra Lomri have?

Thin scar from a knife fight above her right eyebrow

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Keyra Lomri have?

Plays with her daggers as a stress relief

Motivations - What motivates Keyra Lomri most?

Revenge, protecting Queen Veda

Flaws - What flaws does Keyra Lomri have?

Tends to push people away, usually refuses to make friends because it would make her vulnerable. Has some inner anger towards her parents for treating her and her sister like nothing, tries to keep it contained because it she knows that it would affect her negatively. Bottles up her emotions, but they almost never spill over because she was taught to never show her emotions.
Also thinks of herself as slightly better and smarter than everyone else, and isn’t afraid to say so. Because she has an interest in philosophy and the classics as well as assassinry, she thinks of herself as more cultured and smarter than others.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Keyra Lomri have?

Generally suspicious of everyone. Comes with the territory of being an assassin.

Talents - What talents does Keyra Lomri have?

Knows 10 ways to kill you without even trying, is immune to over 8 common poisons, can detect poison in food or drink easily

Hobbies - What hobbies does Keyra Lomri have?

Reading, when she can

Personality type - What personality type is Keyra Lomri?

INTJ-T. Smart and analytical, and never lets a plan go into action without thoroughly examining it first. Can sometimes go into herself and appear to be in a depressive mood, but usually comes out of her mood with a detailed plan. Doesn't really like to directly help others, instead indirectly helping them. Enjoys disguising herself and then surprising people she knows with unexpected advice. Seems to know exactly where everything is going and when it will happen, but infuriatingly never reveals it. In reality, she's exemplary at analytics and is good at pretending she knows exactly what's going to happen, when in reality she only has a sketchy idea. Almost never lets anyone get close to her. Very suspicious of everyone and prickly, but will sometimes take a liking to people if they seem promising and take them under her wing.
She’s done this with Evie Alcippe. (Let me go into a little bit of inter-character relations even though I’m not sure that this is the place.) She noticed that Evie had an aptitude for growing and cultivating poisonous plants, and decided to get her poisons from Evie. She originally planned to just have their relationship to be completely professional, but Keyra grew close to Evie and started thinking of her as a friend. They have similar interests, like philosophy and poisons. Additionally, Evie wasn’t bothered by Keyra thinking of herself as better than others, including her. (Evie’s a bit of a doormat in this regard.)

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Keyra Lomri practice?

Traditional Sundan religion - vegetarian diet and once-a-month meditation and prayers

Politics - What politics does Keyra Lomri have?

Hired by the Corvus queen as an assassin, but the queen won’t let her kill anyone directly. Will follow rules if they benefit her, but many times just makes her own rules because “it’ll work better that way.”

Occupation - What is Keyra Lomri’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Keyra Lomri’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Keyra Lomri’s favorite food?

Salami and cheese

Favorite possession - What is Keyra Lomri’s favorite possession?

Her Sundan katti from a black market in Center

Favorite weapon - What is Keyra Lomri’s favorite weapon?

Haladie: Indian dagger a two blades on either end (look up a picture)

Favorite animal - What is Keyra Lomri’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Keyra Lomri have?

Follows questers around, gets them out of tight spots more than once

date_range History
Birthday - When is Keyra Lomri’s birthday?

April 8th

Education - What is Keyra Lomri’s level of education?

Highly educated at Katar, mostly on the art of being an assassin, but has a penchant for philosophy. She found philosophy books in the Katar library, and loved to read them. She doesn’t have a true personal philosophy, but enjoys learning about them and debating their merits with others.

Background - What is Keyra Lomri’s background?

Though she was born in Corvus, Keyra does not have a raven patron animal. Instead of a raven egg appearing at her family’s windowsill, a black fox cub appeared. This was a sign that she was to become an assassin and train at Katar, the prestigious school for assassins in the Kapros Mountains. Her parents were all too happy to let her go, and they never contacted her again after her fifth birthday.
This leads to her feeling insecure and feeling like anyone she is close to will throw her aside, which leads her to be the prickly person she is. Additionally, she was bullied at Katar for being small, skinny, having her parents abandon her, and having a sister that wasn’t even supposed to be there. As a result, she trusts people even less than she would, which was encouraged at Katar. You can’t be a trusting assassin.
When her little sister Demi was born seven years after Keyra, she was dumped at the doorstep of Katar even though she was not meant to be an assassin and has a raven companion. Keyra excelled at Katar, and picked up the attention of the Corvus royalty, who hired both her and her sister as assassins.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Keyra Lomri have?

Black fox patron animal named Khanda

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Really insecure but hides it well, her insecurity is a result of her parents’ willingness to get rid of her and Demi. Fiercely protective of Demi, a fact that Demi hates.
Assassins are well-respected in Setta, mainly because they’re all quite skilled and protect the country. They’re seen as a sort of elite military unit. The general populace holds a healthy fear of them, though.

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This character was created by Paper Crane Enthusiast on

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