info Overview
Name - What is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm’s full name?

Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm

Role - What is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm’s role in your story?

Prince of Albain

Other names - What other aliases does Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm go by?


Gender - What is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm’s gender?


Age - How old is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm weigh?

130 pounds

Height - How tall is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm?

5 feet, 10 inches

Hair Color - What color is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm’s hair?

Medium brown

Hair Style - How does Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm style their hair?

Kind of long and floppy; bordering on wavy or curly

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm have?


Eye Color - What is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm’s eye color?

Gunmetal blue

Race - What is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm’s race?

Human, but sort of mutilated because he can do magic

Skin Tone

Warm ivory

Body Type

Thin and lean

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm have?

He has frameless glasses (you know, the ones that like don't have frames on the bottoms)

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm have?

Scratches his neck and upper back when nervous

Motivations - What motivates Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm most?

His morals

Flaws - What flaws does Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm have?

Cowardly, easily scared, a bit anxious

Talents - What talents does Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm have?

Very book smart

Hobbies - What hobbies does Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm have?


Personality type - What personality type is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm?

ISFP or Composer on the Myers-Briggs scale

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm have?

Is the prince, so is very deeply immersed in his country's politics thanks to his parents

Occupation - What is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm’s favorite food?

Cream puffs

Favorite possession - What is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm’s favorite possession?

His teddy bear

Favorite weapon - What is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm’s favorite weapon?

Is scared of weapons but if he has to use one, he's okay with a knife

Favorite animal - What is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm have?

Is prince a job?

date_range History
Birthday - When is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm’s birthday?

May 24, 2245

Education - What is Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm’s level of education?

High level of education, around that of a college sophomore as he's had private tutors his whole life

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Prince Darian Rory Lundstromm have?

Gets a stray cat later on

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Found the gallery picture on Pinterest but the link to the site wouldn't work. If anyone knows where it's from, I'd like to know so I can give credit.

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