info Overview
Name - What is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre’s full name?

Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre

Role - What is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre’s role in your story?

Princess of Calacay

Other names - What other aliases does Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre go by?


Gender - What is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre’s gender?


Age - How old is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre weigh?

114 pounds

Height - How tall is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre?

5 feet, 3 inches

Hair Color - What color is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre’s hair?

Raven black

Hair Style - How does Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre style their hair?

Pulled back or braided

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre have?


Eye Color - What is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre’s eye color?

Russet brown

Race - What is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre’s race?

Human, but can do magic

Skin Tone

Light brown

Body Type

Triangle-shaped, appears small and delicate but is actually somewhat strong

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre have?

A birthmark in the shape of an arrow on her left shoulder

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre have?

Is always sighing, drums her fingertips on stuff when she's bored or thinking, blinks slower when frustrated with someone

Motivations - What motivates Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre most?

Her freedom to make her own choices

Flaws - What flaws does Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre have?

Impatient, sarcastic and a bit cynical, kind of rude, sometimes closed-minded, quick to anger

Prejudices - What prejudices does Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre have?

An arranged marriage is always bad

Talents - What talents does Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre have?

Great endurance; good at making plans

Hobbies - What hobbies does Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre have?

Archery (very bad at it tho), her father made her take up painting

Personality type - What personality type is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre?

ENTJ or Commander on the Myers-Briggs scale

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre have?

Is a literal princess and will one day inherit Calacay; despises her cruel and manipulative father, the king

Occupation - What is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre’s favorite color?

Olive green

Favorite food - What is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre’s favorite possession?

A gold ring in the shape of a twisted arrow, as it was a gift from her late mother

Favorite weapon - What is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre’s favorite weapon?

Bow & Arrow

Favorite animal - What is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre’s birthday?

August 13, 2247

Education - What is Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre’s level of education?

Her education level is a little more than that of a high school graduate; has had private tutors for most of her life

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Princess Thailah Reine Aguirre have?

Had a parakeet as a young child; later on adopts a stray cat (or, rather, it adopts her)

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Found the gallery picture on Pinterest, couldn't locate the source but if anyone knows it I'd like to give credit

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