info Overview
Name - What is Raja Visol’s full name?

Raja Visol

Role - What is Raja Visol’s role in your story?

Next in line for the Visolian throne

Other names - What other aliases does Raja Visol go by?

Big Brother
Prince Raja

Gender - What is Raja Visol’s gender?


Age - How old is Raja Visol?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Raja Visol weigh?

200 lbs

Height - How tall is Raja Visol?


Hair Color - What color is Raja Visol’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Raja Visol style their hair?

Short, bouncy with some waves

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Raja Visol have?

Regularly shaves but easily grows a beard

Eye Color - What is Raja Visol’s eye color?

Deep Green

Race - What is Raja Visol’s race?


Skin Tone

Slightly tanned

Body Type

thin, and muscular

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Raja Visol have?

A beauty mark over his left eyebrow

Handiness? Left/Right/Ambidextrous?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Raja Visol have?

Almost always smiling, with his hands clasped in some way when trying to hide something

Motivations - What motivates Raja Visol most?

Honor and Love for his family and his kingdom

Positive Features

Deep thinker

Negative Features

Conceals his true feelings

Personality type - What personality type is Raja Visol?

Flirtatious, charming and diplomatic

How would they describe themselves?

A worthy king with a lot of valuable assets

How would others describe them?

A flirtatious prince with a hint of mystery behind his charming smile

How do they behave? (Ex: Mature, childish, sassy, shy)


How are they percieved? (Ex: Cute, Sexy, adorable, handsome)


Are they innnocent or a deviant?


Do they make the jokes or compliment them?


Bookworm or Jock? Prep or Goth? Mixes?

Prep bookworm

What is their Deadly Sin?


Thinker or Doer? Impulsive or Cautious?

Cautious Thinker

groups Social
How many friends do they want?

A few good and close friends

Rumors about them?

Is known to be a flirtatious prince who flirts with any prince or princess who is of age
A rumor that there is someone who as completely stolen his heart

Favorite color - What is Raja Visol’s favorite color?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Raja Visol’s birthday?

April 1st

Education - What is Raja Visol’s level of education?

Freshman college level of all subjects, and expert level in ruling and running a kingdom

Background - What is Raja Visol’s background?

Since the age of 5 he was raised to be the perfect heir to the throne, the respectable eldest son, and the dependable big brother and for 22 years perfectly lived up to those roles. When Vidar faked his death, he knew it was not real but without proof feared he would like he was in denial and insane. He could do nothing but watch his family fall into grief and his mother dies from said grief. He tries to lessen the burdens of his father but the King refuses to step down from the throne making Raja feel useless as he does background work instead.

folder_open Character Arc
edit Notes

Lawful good-valid-bitch

Personality Color


Dressy or Casual?


Fiction or Non-fiction? Chapter books or Picture books?

Fiction Chapter books


Relaxing, listening to music, supporting his family, flirting, relaxing in his mother's garden


Being busy, stress, not having a full understanding of whats happening around him, his failures

favorite Relationships
How to comfort this character?

Physical comfort and distraction from what is causing him frustrations

How does this character comfort others?

Physical comfort and soft promises that everything will be alright

filter_vintage Sexual interest/encounters
Turn Offs (what ruins the sexual mood for them)?

Blood or any sort of pain be it inflicted on him or on his partner

extension Exploring the Character
Were they raised with a strict or lenient discipline?


Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?


Street-smart or book-smart? Quick-witted or slow-witted?

Book-smart and Quick-witted

Neat-freak or Pig-sty?


What past/theoretical events haunts them?

The death of his mother, the near-death of his sister, and the fall of his family after Vidar's fake death

What makes them laugh?

Silly jokes and harmless pranks

How do they act when angry?

He grows quite but he no longer smiles, speaking coldly as he looks down on the person in contempt

What is the best way to cheer them up?

Making jokes and pulling little pranks

Who do they blame for their misfortune in general?

Himself and his inability to do his jobs well

What do they pretend or try to care about?

Pretends to care about how other people perceive him and getting work completed

What is their soft spot and how do they hide it?

Soft spot for his siblings and lover, but tries to hide his soft spot for his lover

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Raja Visol

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Raja Visol

This character was created by Len on

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