info Overview
Name - What is Vidar Visol’s full name?

Vidar Visol

Role - What is Vidar Visol’s role in your story?

First Part: Aaron Love interest
Second Part: Protagonist

Other names - What other aliases does Vidar Visol go by?


Gender - What is Vidar Visol’s gender?

Cis Male

Age - How old is Vidar Visol?

22 years old

face Looks
Weight - How much does Vidar Visol weigh?


Height - How tall is Vidar Visol?


Hair Color - What color is Vidar Visol’s hair?

Vibrant red hair

Hair Style - How does Vidar Visol style their hair?

Pushed back, often down but occasionally tied up in a bun. The ends barely brush against his shoulders

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Vidar Visol have?

None. Barely grows any when left alone for a long time

Eye Color - What is Vidar Visol’s eye color?

Ashy, light jade green

Race - What is Vidar Visol’s race?


Skin Tone

Light tan

Body Type

Muscular, not heavy with a tall frame

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Vidar Visol have?

A scar along his left cheek with a black necklace with a purple pendant representing his kingdom

Handiness? Left/Right/Ambidextrous?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Vidar Visol have?

Slight movement of hands if they are not already preoccupied. Lots of shifting his weight when bored and tapping his feet and fingers.

Motivations - What motivates Vidar Visol most?

Wants to enjoy life and have fun beyond his role in life. Once his family is in danger he will do anything to protect his family and love.

Negative Features

Selfish, reckless, rude, loves to get on other people's nerves, superiority complex

Prejudices - What prejudices does Vidar Visol have?

Lunarions are merpeople.
Clytons are brutish savages

Talents - What talents does Vidar Visol have?

academic genius, hand to hand combat, bladed weapons

Hobbies - What hobbies does Vidar Visol have?

Annoying people particularly stuck up people and playing darts with his throwing daggers

Personality type - What personality type is Vidar Visol?

A sarcastic, cunning, manipulative, slight sadistic asshole that only cares for his lover and family once he becomes aware of it. Easily invests in anything seemingly "fun" and will just as easily drop it once bored.

How would they describe themselves?

An amazingly smart person who's always one step ahead of everyone and is the smartest person.

How do they behave? (Ex: Mature, childish, sassy, shy)

Acts childish with more mature moments

How are they percieved? (Ex: Cute, Sexy, adorable, handsome)


Are they innnocent or a deviant?


Do they make the jokes or compliment them?

The Joker: loves pulling pranks on his fellow assassins and cause issues

Bookworm or Jock? Prep or Goth? Mixes?

He is a perfect mix of all 4 though he is more of a jock than any of the other 4

Thinker or Doer? Impulsive or Cautious?

Impulsive doer: he does think out his plans but unless it really causes troubles for him and the people he loves he won't hesitate to go through with it

device_hub Family
What do they think of their mother figure(s)?

He adores his mother. He loves her generosity and dedication to her children, but he despises her equal dedication to the kingdom making him feel not fully loved. She influenced his love for pranks and his strong belief in only giving your heart to someone you truly love

Favorite sibling and why?


groups Social
How many friends do they want?

He doesn't want (or not want) a particular amount of friends, but the friends he does have he wants to be amazing friend

Religion - What religion does Vidar Visol practice?

Goddesses of Earth and Heaven who bless the people of the Visolian Kingdom and more particularly the Visolian royalty.

Politics - What politics does Vidar Visol have?

Believes the hierarchy is absolute but is aware of the downfalls of not being able to move between hierarchy

Occupation - What is Vidar Visol’s occupation?

Was to be the third prince in line for the throne but abandoned that life in favor of finding something more enjoyable becoming a skilled assassin.

Favorite color - What is Vidar Visol’s favorite color?

A deep mix of purple and pink,

Favorite possession - What is Vidar Visol’s favorite possession?

The pendant of his family that he keeps around his neck at all times

Favorite weapon - What is Vidar Visol’s favorite weapon?

A dagger that was given to him by his lover to honor their love and their future

date_range History
Birthday - When is Vidar Visol’s birthday?

November 10

Education - What is Vidar Visol’s level of education?

Prince level education with the knowledge to both rule a kingdom and lead an army

Background - What is Vidar Visol’s background?

Born and raised in a prestigious house, his hyper-intelligence and natural athletic physique made him find the life of a third prince to be extremely boring. To spice things up in his life he fakes his death and runs off to explore the world at age 14. For a year he traveled the land of his kingdom and stumbles upon the assassins guild. Faking up a tragic backstory he was take in and becomes one of the most promising assassins and he is excited for the life ahead of him.

folder_open Character Arc
edit Notes
favorite Relationships
Shared Hobbies?

Reading together, sparring together, mocking people together, spending time together

Inside Jokes?

A lot of inside jokes

Fight more or Joke more?

Has their moments when they fight and argue but most of the time they spend together is filled with jokes, comforting silence, and romantic cuddling.

How to comfort this character?

Distract him from his raging emotions long enough to calm him down and allow him to think through the event or emotions rationally and be there for him as he goes through it all

How does this character comfort others?

He tries to distract them and comfort them through the distractions

filter_vintage Sexual interest/encounters
extension Exploring the Character
Were they raised with a strict or lenient discipline?

Lenient though some of his teachers tried to be strict

Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?

plenty of affection

Street-smart or book-smart? Quick-witted or slow-witted?

Quick-witted and both street and book smart

Neat-freak or Pig-sty?


What does he believe in relation to death?

Losing the things he loves and his freedom, controlled and forced to do something terrible

What makes them laugh?

The misfortune of others, especially when it is caused by himself

How do they act when angry?

He grows quiet and lets his anger build silently. He takes it out passively attacking the cause of his anger anyway he can

What is the best way to cheer them up?

Take him out to antagonize someone or pull a playful prank on him

What would completely break them?

Forcing him to take the life of his family and lover, or making him the reason they died

What would be the best thing in their life?

Getting to ruin the lives of the people who bother his family, friends, and lover with them and all of them laughing

What was the worst thing in their life?

Learning about his mother's death through rumors and news, and not being able to be there for her

What seemingly insignificant memory stuck with them?

Going horseback riding with his family on a warm sunny day

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This character was created by Len on

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