info Overview
Name - What is Azla Klark’s full name?

Azla Klark

Role - What is Azla Klark’s role in your story?

Queen of Klence

Gender - What is Azla Klark’s gender?


Age - How old is Azla Klark?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Azla Klark?


Weight - How much does Azla Klark weigh?

157 pounds

Race - What is Azla Klark’s race?

Mountain Dwarf

Linked Races

date_range History
Birthday - When is Azla Klark’s birthday?

February 3rd, 1138

Background - What is Azla Klark’s background?

Azla was born to the Cinderash family, and while the tradition is that she would be the one to lead the family one day when her younger sister was born her parents decided to be a bit more ambitious with Azla. As she grew they knew that the Prince in line for the throne was not overly interested in taking it but would due to his duties, and using all the connections, favors and strings they had they set Azla up to marry him. Even the King and Queen at the time knew that Rethic would not make a good ruler, but they could not deny the tradition that said he must be so long as he was not physically and mentally unable to do so. In that event, pairing him up with a woman who would be more than capable of running things on her own was the best bet they had, hence the agreement.

So it was that Azla married Rethic, though neither one was particularly interested in the other. Azla learned the ins and outs of running the country and what her in-laws were doing so as not to disrupt too much when she took over. She's made a smooth transition into being the current Queen, and happily runs the country while letting her husband follow whatever he wants. She forces him to show up for important things and they're both very great at pretending they're a happy couple at public events, but outside of that they simply deal with it.

device_hub Family
edit Notes


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