info Overview
Name - What is Prince Paidrag Madigan’s full name?

Prince Paidrag Madigan

Role - What is Prince Paidrag Madigan’s role in your story?

Heir to the throne of Uttara. Son of Queen Ashling and Lord Viceroy Malachi

Gender - What is Prince Paidrag Madigan’s gender?


Age - How old is Prince Paidrag Madigan?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Prince Paidrag Madigan weigh?

185 pounds

Height - How tall is Prince Paidrag Madigan?


Hair Color - What color is Prince Paidrag Madigan’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Prince Paidrag Madigan style their hair?

Long hair, straight

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Prince Paidrag Madigan have?


Eye Color - What is Prince Paidrag Madigan’s eye color?

Forest green

Race - What is Prince Paidrag Madigan’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Prince Paidrag Madigan have?

brown splotch above right knee

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Prince Paidrag Madigan have?

Takes his role of heir seriously. Wants to be a great general like his father. Cares deeply for his sisters, but puts his studies and duties first.

Motivations - What motivates Prince Paidrag Madigan most?

Wants to prove he is worthy of the throne, intelligent and fair like his mother and a great warrior like his father.

Flaws - What flaws does Prince Paidrag Madigan have?

Still retains the impetuousness of youth. impulsive.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Prince Paidrag Madigan have?

Dislikes the King and Queen of Dakshin because of their stance on women. Dislikes Queen Sabiya of Navin emensely, doesn't understand her.

Talents - What talents does Prince Paidrag Madigan have?

Accomplished swordsman.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Prince Paidrag Madigan have?


Personality type - What personality type is Prince Paidrag Madigan?

Brave, intelligent, learning to be patient and diplomatic, tends to be an introvert, but knows he needs to social with dignitaries and courtiers. Can be a little awkward socially with other royal families.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Prince Paidrag Madigan practice?

Spends time in the Star Temple and consulting with the Iron Friars about iron, steel and weaponry. Goes to the other temples as his parents dictate.

Politics - What politics does Prince Paidrag Madigan have?

Follows his parents in their views of equality.

Occupation - What is Prince Paidrag Madigan’s occupation?

Prince regent

Favorite color - What is Prince Paidrag Madigan’s favorite color?

Rust like iron rich soil

Favorite food - What is Prince Paidrag Madigan’s favorite food?

quail stuffed with mushrooms and carrots, roast apple with honey.

Favorite possession - What is Prince Paidrag Madigan’s favorite possession?

sword made of steel and iron from a star that fell into the mountains on his fifth birthday. Given to him on his fifteenth birthday by his parents.

Favorite weapon - What is Prince Paidrag Madigan’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Prince Paidrag Madigan’s favorite animal?

white raven

Job - What job does Prince Paidrag Madigan have?

Captain of the Queen's Guard

date_range History
Birthday - When is Prince Paidrag Madigan’s birthday?

twenty three days after summer solstice

Education - What is Prince Paidrag Madigan’s level of education?

Highly educated according to royal tradition. Speaks and reads the old tongue and Ribari, in addition to Oxiryan.

Background - What is Prince Paidrag Madigan’s background?

He is to wed Admiral Erryn's daughter Alayne. He spends a lot of time with his parents on all the issues of the kingdom.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Prince Paidrag Madigan have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Prince Paidrag Madigan appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Children link linked Prince Paidrag Madigan

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Prince Paidrag Madigan

Town chevron_right Citizens link linked Prince Paidrag Madigan

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Prince Paidrag Madigan

Government chevron_right Political figures link linked Prince Paidrag Madigan

This character was created by Hummingbird_Goat on

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