info Overview
Name - What is Queen Ashling Madigan’s full name?

Queen Ashling Madigan

Role - What is Queen Ashling Madigan’s role in your story?

Queen of Uttara

Gender - What is Queen Ashling Madigan’s gender?


Age - How old is Queen Ashling Madigan?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Queen Ashling Madigan weigh?

160 pounds

Height - How tall is Queen Ashling Madigan?


Hair Color - What color is Queen Ashling Madigan’s hair?

golden blonde turning grey

Hair Style - How does Queen Ashling Madigan style their hair?

Always regal styled, but varies depending on what she's doing or who she meets.

Eye Color - What is Queen Ashling Madigan’s eye color?

Forest green

Race - What is Queen Ashling Madigan’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Queen Ashling Madigan have?

two moles below her left ear

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Queen Ashling Madigan have?

authoritative, bold, direct

Motivations - What motivates Queen Ashling Madigan most?

welfare of her people.

Flaws - What flaws does Queen Ashling Madigan have?

can be abrupt, doesn't listen if an opinion is too far from hers, tends to dismiss her daughters as they won't inherit crown, but will be married off.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Queen Ashling Madigan have?

People who want the 3 kingdoms to be one.

Talents - What talents does Queen Ashling Madigan have?

inspirational talker, verbose

Hobbies - What hobbies does Queen Ashling Madigan have?

reading history

Personality type - What personality type is Queen Ashling Madigan?

outgoing, extrovert, charming

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Queen Ashling Madigan practice?

reveres the Silver Sisterhood and the Iron Friars, but doesn't spend time in the star temple. Respectful of the Dark Sisterhood, goes to the Night Temple once a month or so, but only because she is afraid of NOT going. Doesn't go to the Water Temple, but has an altar in the royal Gardens.

Politics - What politics does Queen Ashling Madigan have?

Believes in equality. People are allowed to rise up from their humble beginnings if they show promise and talent. Hold to titles being passed to next generation. Sees male and female can be equals.

Occupation - What is Queen Ashling Madigan’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Queen Ashling Madigan’s favorite color?

Emerald green.

Favorite food - What is Queen Ashling Madigan’s favorite food?

Rack of lamb and blackberry pear pie

Favorite possession - What is Queen Ashling Madigan’s favorite possession?

white raven in profile carved of walrus tusk with a fire amber eye on a gold chain given to her by her father.

Favorite weapon - What is Queen Ashling Madigan’s favorite weapon?

short sword

Favorite animal - What is Queen Ashling Madigan’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Queen Ashling Madigan have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Queen Ashling Madigan’s birthday?

seventeen days past spring equinox

Education - What is Queen Ashling Madigan’s level of education?

royal education fit for an heir to the throne

Background - What is Queen Ashling Madigan’s background?

Eldest of three girls. was quite a trouble maker in her youth. father used her adventurous spirit to give her lessons in weaponry and fighting, and had her tour the land with his viceroy of the treasury to collect taxes from the governors.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Queen Ashling Madigan have?

The castle has lots of cats that keep the mice down. None are particularly her pet, but there are two black and white splotched cats that prefer to follow her around.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Her standards are a white flying Raven on a sky blue field with three dark blue stars arching over the bird's head, the whole thing bordered in silver.

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