info Overview
Name - What is Allison "Ally" Nakayama’s full name?

Allison "Ally" Nakayama

Role - What is Allison "Ally" Nakayama’s role in your story?

Minor Protaganist

Gender - What is Allison "Ally" Nakayama’s gender?

Transgender male to female, more explanation further in profile

Age - How old is Allison "Ally" Nakayama?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Allison "Ally" Nakayama weigh?

About average

Height - How tall is Allison "Ally" Nakayama?

About 6 feet

Hair Color - What color is Allison "Ally" Nakayama’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Allison "Ally" Nakayama style their hair?

Long, frizzy, nearly untamable

Eye Color - What is Allison "Ally" Nakayama’s eye color?

Shockingly green

Race - What is Allison "Ally" Nakayama’s race?

African-American human

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Allison "Ally" Nakayama have?

Very tiny scars on shoulders and arms from getting caught in a rose bush

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Allison "Ally" Nakayama have?

Talks to herself
Twirls her hair

Motivations - What motivates Allison "Ally" Nakayama most?

Safety of friends and family
Pets and plants

Flaws - What flaws does Allison "Ally" Nakayama have?

Sometimes can be too distant or spaced out.

Talents - What talents does Allison "Ally" Nakayama have?

Slow dancing

Hobbies - What hobbies does Allison "Ally" Nakayama have?

Wandering aimlessly

Personality type - What personality type is Allison "Ally" Nakayama?

Quiet but talkative around friends
A bit shy

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Allison "Ally" Nakayama practice?


Occupation - What is Allison "Ally" Nakayama’s occupation?

Owns a flower shop

Favorite color - What is Allison "Ally" Nakayama’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Allison "Ally" Nakayama’s favorite food?

No favorite; doesn’t need to eat- goes through photosynthesis but will eat anything her wife makes

Favorite possession - What is Allison "Ally" Nakayama’s favorite possession?


Favorite weapon - What is Allison "Ally" Nakayama’s favorite weapon?

Can go through photosynthesis, so she doesn’t need to eat, feels what plants feel/communicates with them and can control their growth rate and movements, unsurprisingly good at gardening, able to completely change her sex e.g. reproductive organs/hormones, physical characteristics, and brain structure (This is how she is transgender). To do this, it takes about an hour to an hour and a half and she must remain in a cocoon-like state during her transmutation.

Favorite animal - What is Allison "Ally" Nakayama’s favorite animal?

All animals, except for certain bugs

Job - What job does Allison "Ally" Nakayama have?

Florist shop owner

date_range History
Birthday - When is Allison "Ally" Nakayama’s birthday?

Sometime in the spring
March or April

Education - What is Allison "Ally" Nakayama’s level of education?

Bachelor’s of Science in Botany

Background - What is Allison "Ally" Nakayama’s background?

Spouse: Toni Nakayama
Children: Adopted: Stella Nakayama (6 years old)

In and out of foster care all her life, considers Mrs. Love (English teacher in 12th grade) to be the closest thing to a mother that she has. Visits regularly.
Found out she could completely change her sex at a young age; did it from male to female and stayed that way. In and out of foster care until she was 17, when Mrs. Love adopted her but said she didn’t have to call her “mom.” Calls her mom anyway. Married Toni at 20 and adopted Stella the same year.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Allison "Ally" Nakayama have?

Sirius the Dog
German Shepherd with melanism, all black
Muppet the Dog
Little floppy dog, unknown breed
Serenity the Cat
Black cat

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Soft-spoken and smooth voice
Stunning smile
Doesn't own a car because it polutes the air; rides a bike or walks unless she absolutely has to ride in someone's car

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This character was created by Jay D. on

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