info Overview
Name - What is Sterling Watson’s full name?

Sterling Watson

Role - What is Sterling Watson’s role in your story?

Minor Protaganist

Gender - What is Sterling Watson’s gender?


Age - How old is Sterling Watson?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Sterling Watson weigh?

Average to light

Height - How tall is Sterling Watson?

Average to tall

Hair Color - What color is Sterling Watson’s hair?

Naturally white

Hair Style - How does Sterling Watson style their hair?

Neatly combed, like a man out of a 40s movie

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Sterling Watson have?

Clean shaven

Eye Color - What is Sterling Watson’s eye color?

Light violet

Race - What is Sterling Watson’s race?

Caucasian male

Skin Tone

Very pale

Body Type

Lanky but attractive

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sterling Watson have?

Small tattoo of a crescent moon on collar bone

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Sterling Watson have?

Checks phone a lot even though he can just check with his mind

Flaws - What flaws does Sterling Watson have?

Can be too prideful
A bit blunt

Talents - What talents does Sterling Watson have?

Working with tech and programs
Talking to people
Using/creating/updating technology

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sterling Watson have?

Walking around the garden (Ally's)
Tinkering with new tech

Personality type - What personality type is Sterling Watson?

Playful with friends

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Sterling Watson practice?

Doesn’t believe in any god/only believes in scientific proven facts. Doesn’t bother others about it.

Politics - What politics does Sterling Watson have?

Highly influential in politics

Occupation - What is Sterling Watson’s occupation?

CEO of his company TRUTH Inc.

Favorite color - What is Sterling Watson’s favorite color?

Softer pinks, blues, and purples (pastels)

Favorite possession - What is Sterling Watson’s favorite possession?

His company and his close friends (he doesn’t call them possessions, obviously, but he is very possessive of them.)

Favorite weapon - What is Sterling Watson’s favorite weapon?

Incredibly smart and tech-savvy. Can turn on devices and run any program on said devices using his mind.
See Universes: Look Who's Back in Town for details on technopathy under the Technology section.

Favorite animal - What is Sterling Watson’s favorite animal?

Specifically his cat, Jinx

Job - What job does Sterling Watson have?

CEO of his company, TRUTH Incorporated.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Sterling Watson’s birthday?

Sometime in winter, probably December

Education - What is Sterling Watson’s level of education?

High school diploma, already incredibly intelligent, skipped college and started a business

Background - What is Sterling Watson’s background?

In and out of foster care with Ally, aged out of the system. Noticed how much false information is on the internet, so he creates his own server and his own system that cross references everything to check for false information. Hires people to help him keep his systems up-to-date and running properly when he builds up more computer systems and programs to find better resources. Company boomed when he was 20, by 25 everyone uses it and Google barely has any users and is mocked for its false information.
(TRUTH Inc., True Resources United To Help)
The pay is incredible, but the career isn’t what he originally wanted. He is very proud of his company, though.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Sterling Watson have?

Jinx the Cat
Black and white, female

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Charming, handsome, wealthy, fashionable.
In love with Beckett, has not told him.

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This character was created by Jay D. on

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