info Overview
Name - What is Chrysanthemum’s full name?


Role - What is Chrysanthemum’s role in your story?

The Lost Hybrid

Age - How old is Chrysanthemum?

Chrysanthemum died at nine years old.

Gender - What is Chrysanthemum’s gender?

Chrysanthemum was brought into the world as a female.

Other names - What other aliases does Chrysanthemum go by?

Before she died, she was going to ask people to start calling her Chrys.

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Chrysanthemum’s hair?

As a genetic defect somewhere along the way in her creation or testing, she ended up having salt-and-pepper colored hair.

Eye Color - What is Chrysanthemum’s eye color?


Race - What is Chrysanthemum’s race?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Chrysanthemum have?

Since she was a hybrid, Chrysanthemum had traits matching those of a rabbit. She had grey rabbit ears and a small, puffy tail. She also had rabbit-like feet and whiskers that matched the width of her body.

Hair Style - How does Chrysanthemum style their hair?

Chrysanthemum's salt-and-pepper hair fell down just between her waist and shoulder, straight and flowy.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Chrysanthemum have?

Chrysanthemum had no facial hair, besides her rabbit whiskers.

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Chrysanthemum have?

Chrysanthemum may have not been the brightest child, but she was always great at soccer.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Chrysanthemum have?

Since Chrysanthemum died young, she didn't have much time to put herself into many hobbies but she did enjoy playing soccer with her classmates, and she was definitely good at it too.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Chrysanthemum have?

Chrysanthemum was not a very polite child; she never sat "like a lady", she rarely apologized or said please, but she at least remembered to say thank you. Sometimes.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Chrysanthemum’s favorite color?

Chrysanthemum's favorite color was grey, since her hair had streaks of grey in it.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Chrysanthemum’s birthday?

Chrysanthemum was brought into the world on December 5, XX03.


Chrysanthemum died one August 12, XX13.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Chrysanthemum is the lost hybrid. She died at nine years old due to what the government deemed as "unknown circumstances", but the hybrids that are still alive have always have their suspicions. She is used as an example to the hybrids from the government. Since her lifeless body was found near where the hybrids are cut off from the outside world, one of the many theories is that she tried to escape and she died while doing so, even though no evidence was found to prove that theory, so the government uses her as an example to the hybrids as to what may happen if any hybrid makes an attempt to leave the island.

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