info Overview
Name - What is Allison Berrycloth’s full name?

Allison Berrycloth

Age - How old is Allison Berrycloth?

Allison is 16.

Gender - What is Allison Berrycloth’s gender?

Allison is a female

Other names - What other aliases does Allison Berrycloth go by?

Caitelyn sometimes refers to her as Alli


Dreams in Ikimono - Chapters:

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Allison Berrycloth’s hair?


Eye Color - What is Allison Berrycloth’s eye color?


Race - What is Allison Berrycloth’s race?


Skin Tone

She is slightly pale.

Height - How tall is Allison Berrycloth?

5 foot

Hair Style - How does Allison Berrycloth style their hair?

Her cherry hair is short and messy and it reaches down to lightly brush her shoulders.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Allison Berrycloth have?

She has no facial hair.

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Favorite color - What is Allison Berrycloth’s favorite color?


date_range History
Education - What is Allison Berrycloth’s level of education?

Allison only has been through the education system up until she was nine years old, but she's been getting tutoring in secret from her sister's friends to help her and her sister out.

Birthday - When is Allison Berrycloth’s birthday?


Background - What is Allison Berrycloth’s background?

As a child, Allison grew up in an abusive and neglective household. She learned early on how to care for herself, and when her sister came into play, she learned how to take care of her as well. While she may not remember much of those days except for the smashed bottles and holding her sister while she fought back tears, she could never forget the end of all that terror, and the beginning of a new nightmare.

In XX11, when she was nine and Caetlin was seven, the government officials raided her house. It was an unusually calm night, so when the doors came flying open, all Allison could think of doing was run across her bedroom to get Caetlin and hide in the bathroom until all passed over. By the time she grabbed Caetlin by the wrist and led her outside of their shared bedroom, an official, unfortunately she could not remember his name, saw them out of the corner of his eye and took them outside of the house and away from the warzone in their living room. When the three stood out on the street, Allison crumbled and cried while holding onto Caetlin and she hugged back. The rest of the night was a blur, but she remembers being questioned about the things her mother and father had done. Both of her parents commonly neglected their children, and her father was almost always drunk which led to him taking out his emotions on his wife, and sometimes his own children. Her mother never cared for them, leaving Allison to watch after her and Caetlin; she commonly hit the girls, even more than their father had. The reason why the house was so silent that night was because before the two had returned from school that evening, their father had murdered their mother. Him killing their mother was the only way that they got out of that house, and they probably would've been stuck there until the day they graduated came around and they could finally fend for themselves and leave their terror-filled home.

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