info Overview
Name - What is Godric Grimshal’s full name?

Godric Grimshal

Gender - What is Godric Grimshal’s gender?


Age - How old is Godric Grimshal?


Role - What is Godric Grimshal’s role in your story?


face Looks
Race - What is Godric Grimshal’s race?


Skin Tone

tanned, but not overly so. Tan lines on his body are very obvious considering his usual Armour.

Body Type

He is a very hefty boy, he is comparable to Dwayne goddamn Johnson.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Godric Grimshal have?

He has an enormous scar going from his hip to his shoulder along his chest. He doesn't want to explain it. Heavily scarred hands from punching all the things.

Weight - How much does Godric Grimshal weigh?


Height - How tall is Godric Grimshal?


Hair Color - What color is Godric Grimshal’s hair?

light brown

Hair Style - How does Godric Grimshal style their hair?

shoulder length hair

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Godric Grimshal have?

Thick stubble

Eye Color - What is Godric Grimshal’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Godric Grimshal have?

He is rather extraordinary when it comes to punching things. He's been training his whole life to brawl and fight, since his upbringing was never close to easy. His strength isn't really lacking either, since lifting heavy things was always his job. He doesn't really know about any magic skills he may have, and just thinks he doesn't have any within him whatsoever.

Unnatural affinity with animals. Latent magical ability has doesn't know about at all, anything magic he does cause is completely by accident

Personality type - What personality type is Godric Grimshal?

A stoic but kind protector, Godric is honest, almost brutally sometimes. He is loyal to the very end, willing to face any task if it means proving himself to the one he protects

Hobbies - What hobbies does Godric Grimshal have?

He mainly practice bouts with his comrades, improving his skills with each and every fight. He is an up and coming chef as well, learning rather quickly how to cook meals from the ingredients his friends have gathered

Prejudices - What prejudices does Godric Grimshal have?

He despises any who talk down to him like scum, and views the truly elitist royalty and the lowest of the low with the same view: You treat him or his allies like trash, you will know he despises it.

Flaws - What flaws does Godric Grimshal have?

He is very kind at heart, almost to a fault. He sees any situation as one that can either be punched, or talked out of. Unfortunately, he often gets confused when people start shouting and screaming at each other. Also, his large stature makes it hard for him to hide.

Motivations - What motivates Godric Grimshal most?

He is motivated by his undying love for a girl he has known since childhood, and his drive to protect those he swears an oath to. His mission has always been to protect, but also to nurture, as his upbringing around children while spending time with his love has made him a rather soft, if silent, individual

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Godric Grimshal have?

Silent a lot of the time, except under special circumstances and when conversing with allies. He is still quite loud in his actions, however, so he'll make himself noticed somehow, even if that means caving someone's skull in.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Godric Grimshal’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Godric Grimshal’s occupation?

Warrior for Oberon guild. Does his own thing most of the time and takes the quests he finds interesting.

Favorite food - What is Godric Grimshal’s favorite food?

As long as its filling he doesn't really care

Favorite possession - What is Godric Grimshal’s favorite possession?

Locket from his childhood friend, the one he loves

Favorite weapon - What is Godric Grimshal’s favorite weapon?


info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Jake on

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