info Overview
Name - What is Maera Carpathia’s full name?

Maera Carpathia

Gender - What is Maera Carpathia’s gender?


Age - How old is Maera Carpathia?


Role - What is Maera Carpathia’s role in your story?

ally to Zeal

Other names - What other aliases does Maera Carpathia go by?

Mae, Heretic, blasphemer, filth [by members of her covenant]

face Looks
Race - What is Maera Carpathia’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white having not had much experience outside her country Crestenfal.

Body Type

Not skinny nor chubby, not very toned from lack of actually fighting hands on in combat. Body type one can only describe as a "squidge".

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Maera Carpathia have?

Wavy hair that's frizzy at the top
Stab wound scar on her arm
Heavy bags under eyes from the toll that her magic takes on her.

Weight - How much does Maera Carpathia weigh?

Average weight for her height, maybe slightly lighter.

Height - How tall is Maera Carpathia?


Hair Color - What color is Maera Carpathia’s hair?

Deep brown.

Hair Style - How does Maera Carpathia style their hair?

Long hair, wavy, down to back. Tends to be tied up in a pony tail.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Maera Carpathia have?


Eye Color - What is Maera Carpathia’s eye color?

Light violet

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Maera Carpathia have?

Expert in healing magic and fluent in several languages such as:
-Drake (trained with a drake-born when in her church/covenant, picked it up)
-Common (language of the humans)
-Elven (Caeri elves only)

Healing magic being more physically taxing and requires understanding of the magic itself to wield effectively, she is a prodigy in the art.

Personality type - What personality type is Maera Carpathia?

Reserved, speaks quietly and tries to be kind to most. Can lead to her not being able to express her emotions properly. Can lead to bad stuff down the line.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Maera Carpathia have?

Reading and always prays before meals and sleeping. Very religious person. Belongs to the covenant of Feilio- the god of vitality and flora.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Maera Carpathia have?

Ironically, although being in the covenant of Feilio, she distrusts and even displays fear towards those who worship him. Not casual followers but members of the church as she has a dark history with them.

Flaws - What flaws does Maera Carpathia have?

Taking the lead or speaking up. She has learned through her life to keep quiet and although she gets flustered and emotional easily she struggles to express these things. This can affect her magic when fighting humans, she doesn't get very flustered when fighting beasts and so on.

Motivations - What motivates Maera Carpathia most?

She wants to help people in the way she wasn't joined up with the 'Oberon' Guild as a lone helper lending her efforts where she was needed until meeting Zeal, who she joined upon meeting.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Maera Carpathia have?

Rubbing hands and twirling hair round fingers when she's uncomfortable.
Taps on tables rather often to a melody she learned once.
When she trusts someone she isn't as apologetic.
Has an accent that is noticeable but isn't extremely heavy (kinda like american)

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Maera Carpathia’s favorite color?

navy blue

Politics - What politics does Maera Carpathia have?

Not too interested in the politics of the world. Isn't too fond of the king but not enough to do anything about it.

Occupation - What is Maera Carpathia’s occupation?

Hangs out at the 'Oberon' guild until meeting zeal, posting jobs where she needs to heal others. Keeps doing this and renting rooms in the guild, friends with Marta, the guild leader so she gets a discount.

Joins zeal on his journey and does more adventurous shiz.

Favorite food - What is Maera Carpathia’s favorite food?

She enjoys sweet-tasting things, so when in a new town she tries to drag zeal to the nearest bakery to try at least one cake/bun/pastry.

Favorite possession - What is Maera Carpathia’s favorite possession?

Earring she was given by one of the nuns of her covenant, it's a golden earring with an orb of sapphire at the bottom. Engraved with the symbol for 'hope' in Caeri.

Favorite weapon - What is Maera Carpathia’s favorite weapon?

Dagger, but rarely uses it, mainly uses it as a way to make herself feel more secure.

Favorite animal - What is Maera Carpathia’s favorite animal?

Festi (fox-like creatures with small antlers, a popular pet in Crestenfal, but can be found everywhere)

Religion - What religion does Maera Carpathia practice?

Is a member of the covenant worshiping the god Feilio.

info History
Background - What is Maera Carpathia’s background?

Was a member of the covenant of Feilio. Abused and taken advantage of for her prodigal abilities in healing magic. The archdeacons forcibly tried to rip out her magical ability to condense into a physical form.

Education - What is Maera Carpathia’s level of education?

She is an intelligent person considering her fluidity in other languages she is adept in translating and reading. She is surprisingly well educated, similar to the education of a member of the royal family.

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Pets - What pets does Maera Carpathia have?


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history Changelog
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This character was created by Jake on

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