info Overview
Name - What is Marion Livingston’s full name?

Marion Livingston

Age - How old is Marion Livingston?

all walks of life (not a living character)

Gender - What is Marion Livingston’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Marion Livingston go by?

Marion, Mssr. Livingston, Mr. Marion

Role - What is Marion Livingston’s role in your story?

Primary Instigator;

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Marion Livingston’s eye color?

China blue

Height - How tall is Marion Livingston?

5'9 (pretty tall for the time)

Hair Color - What color is Marion Livingston’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Marion Livingston style their hair?

Stylishly tousled up

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Marion Livingston have?

Minor Sideburns

Race - What is Marion Livingston’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lean, but not lanky in any sense of the word. It's more lean muscle than thinness.

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Marion Livingston most?

His own fancy

Flaws - What flaws does Marion Livingston have?

He is incredibly ignorant of others' emotions towards him, and only cares about how he feels.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Marion Livingston have?

Historically-present racial prejudices

Talents - What talents does Marion Livingston have?

Chess, Conversation

Hobbies - What hobbies does Marion Livingston have?

Keeping a personal journal, Horse riding, Socializing (dancing, conversation, etc.), other high-society leisure activities

Personality type - What personality type is Marion Livingston?

cocky, suave, charming

accessibility_new Mannerisms
groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Marion Livingston’s favorite weapon?

Sword (rapier)

Religion - What religion does Marion Livingston practice?


Politics - What politics does Marion Livingston have?

Doesn't care (earlier)
Anti-abolition [Yates is pro-abolition] (later)

Occupation - What is Marion Livingston’s occupation?

Gentleman (heir to an illustrious merchant business)

Favorite color - What is Marion Livingston’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Marion Livingston’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Marion Livingston’s favorite animal?


info History
Background - What is Marion Livingston’s background?

Marion grew up the middle sibling, his brothers being William and Yates Livingston. Lacking his older brother's ambition and his younger's streak for the romantic, Marion develops a sense of self-importance through his possessions, and in his ability to control situations. As a child, he and Yates grow up playing with Eulalia Merripenny, their neighbor. A plethora of failed friendships and romances throughout his life are initially broken by his desire for the absolute best- the creme of the crop, so to speak. He begins to butt heads with Yates, who wants to turn their estate into a safe house for fugitive slaves after a trip to a manor house surrounded by plantation fields (the Livingston estate does not keep slaves- their wealth comes from extensive port ownership in Mobile).

Education - What is Marion Livingston’s level of education?

Private Tutor and University

Birthday - When is Marion Livingston’s birthday?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Marion Livingston have?


history Changelog
edit Notes

He only really exists in the story through the Antagonists' flashbacks to different stages in their lives, as well as in Cordelia's Coping Book.

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Marion Livingston

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Marion Livingston

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Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Marion Livingston

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Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Marion Livingston

Item chevron_right Past Owners link linked Marion Livingston

This character was created by Zoë Jacks on

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