info Overview
Name - What is Imogene Johnson’s full name?

Imogene Johnson

Age - How old is Imogene Johnson?

Approx. 200 (appears 19-20)

Gender - What is Imogene Johnson’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Imogene Johnson go by?


Role - What is Imogene Johnson’s role in your story?

Primary Antagonist

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Imogene Johnson’s eye color?


Height - How tall is Imogene Johnson?

Roughly 5'7

Hair Color - What color is Imogene Johnson’s hair?

Light Brown

Hair Style - How does Imogene Johnson style their hair?

parted tightly down the middle, as was fashionable in the Antebellum era. past the base of her head, her hair is curled into tight ringlets and parsed to either side of her face.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Imogene Johnson have?


Race - What is Imogene Johnson’s race?

Human (formerly)
Homunculus (now)

Skin Tone


Body Type

If she didn't tight-lace her corset, she could be considered on the thinner side of "plump", but as it is, she appears to be doing her very best to appear on the thinner side of "very thin".

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Imogene Johnson have?

Nasty abrasion mark around her neck.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Imogene Johnson have?

To use Herman Melville's term, Imogene is the most 'monomaniacal' over Marion of the homunculi. Despite the many years, she has mad no move to come to terms with what happened to her, as even the equally lovestruck Cordelia tries to with her book. She does not want to let go of her hatred, as it gives her the best excuse to hunt down Kezya and torment Greg.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Imogene Johnson have?

Her contempt for Marion, as well as her frustration over being trapped in a forest, has made her adverse to humans in general, despite having once been human. This makes her very unsympathetic to Kezya's homelessness and lack of family, as well as to Greg's sickly state in her care

Talents - What talents does Imogene Johnson have?

Violin (formerly)

Personality type - What personality type is Imogene Johnson?

As a human in the 1850's, Imogene was far more genuinely optomistic and lively, if not already contemptuous of her companions' wealth. It is ultimately Marion's decision to pursue Cordelia over her (and effectively resigning her to the textile mill to keep her family afloat) that spurns her depression and callous personality.
Especially as a homunculus, Imogene has an incredible capacity for contempt and can hold a grudge for as long as she sees fit. Mixed with her grandma's-teacup-fragile self-esteem, internally she is a ticking time bomb.
Despite this, Imogene is incredibly astute and cunning. She can hide her insecurities incredibly, and take advantage of her calm in the face of the other homunculi's confusion and anger at the beginning of their confinement to take a position of leadership amongst them.

accessibility_new Mannerisms
groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Imogene Johnson’s favorite weapon?

Dagger/ letter opener (killed Cordelia)

Religion - What religion does Imogene Johnson practice?


Politics - What politics does Imogene Johnson have?


Occupation - What is Imogene Johnson’s occupation?

Factory Worker (formerly); none (now)

info History
Education - What is Imogene Johnson’s level of education?

Taught to read (literature and music)

Birthday - When is Imogene Johnson’s birthday?

Mid- 19th century

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Zoë Jacks on

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