info Overview
Name - What is Gregory Eli McGurten’s full name?

Gregory Eli McGurten

Age - How old is Gregory Eli McGurten?


Gender - What is Gregory Eli McGurten’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Gregory Eli McGurten go by?


Role - What is Gregory Eli McGurten’s role in your story?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Gregory Eli McGurten’s eye color?

Baby blue

Weight - How much does Gregory Eli McGurten weigh?

96 lbs- see [HEIGHT]

Height - How tall is Gregory Eli McGurten?

5'4- because of the lack of basic nutrition provided at the Carriage House, his bones never grew correctly, and he's underweight

Hair Color - What color is Gregory Eli McGurten’s hair?

V. Pale blonde

Hair Style - How does Gregory Eli McGurten style their hair?

Raggedy- Imogene sometimes crops it down carelessly when it gets 'too long' with whatever sharp implement she can find (usually a chunk of glass from the window).

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Gregory Eli McGurten have?


Race - What is Gregory Eli McGurten’s race?


Skin Tone

Extremely pale

Body Type

Lithe/ lanky (not like the healthy kind of lithe though)

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Gregory Eli McGurten most?

To please the homunculi (beginning)
Help/protect his friends (end)

Flaws - What flaws does Gregory Eli McGurten have?

Physical: malnourished and sickly; cannot power the Line Box and gets tired easily
In Character: too passive in the face of possible danger towards himself (zero sense of self-preservation). His confidence is fairly beaten down because his sense of self-worth is defined by his nonexistent ability to help out Imogene and Cordelia, although this changes when he finds friends in Peter and Kezya.

Talents - What talents does Gregory Eli McGurten have?

Sneaking around silently

Hobbies - What hobbies does Gregory Eli McGurten have?

Reading, talking to Erkward, watching the squirrels outside his window (he likes to narrate the squirrels' actions as if they were characters in a great drama)
Luckily Greg is fairly introverted, so he can entertain himself easily in his monotonous bed-life.

Personality type - What personality type is Gregory Eli McGurten?

He's positive by nature, but the environment in which he's been raised has made him almost meek and afraid of negative confrontation. Nevertheless, he hates seeing other people getting in trouble (especially if he could be the one taking the brunt of the trouble instead- he's a bit of a masochist in this way), and is drawn to sneak around in order to deflect such encounters. Because of this, he tends to take the blame for a lot of shit he's not guilty of. He becomes less afraid to protect himself as he becomes better friends with Peter and Kezya, who are both mildly horrified by his lack of self-preservation skills.

accessibility_new Mannerisms
groups Social
Religion - What religion does Gregory Eli McGurten practice?

Christian Sentiments- Not officially indited into any religion (couldn't be baptized or anything because he is being raised by non-humans in the middle of the woods)

Occupation - What is Gregory Eli McGurten’s occupation?

Getting the Homunculi across the line

Favorite color - What is Gregory Eli McGurten’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Gregory Eli McGurten’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Gregory Eli McGurten’s favorite possession?

He has a lot of books left in the Carriage House by whoever last inhabited it before the homunculi, but his favorite is a withering copy of Moby Dick, published during the time when the homunculi were alive. He likes this book the best because it's long, as well as because of the great adventure it tells, where his life is incredibly non-adventurous.

Favorite animal - What is Gregory Eli McGurten’s favorite animal?

Squirrel- they're the most abundant animals in the near-suburban woods of Alabama, and he can pass a good hour or so watching them from his window.

info History
Background - What is Gregory Eli McGurten’s background?

Gregory's unstable mother, Madeline, left him for dead in the woods out behind her house when he was born, in a fit of rage. The Homunculi saw this and took him back to their house, keeping him alive in order to use him to get across the line (a transportation box that can only be powered by humans). However, the poor medical practice in the Carriage House, along with overexertion to get across has made Gregory's immune system incredibly weak, and he has become rather sickly and frail. He first sees Kezya return to the woods, and realizes that the Livingston House is, once again, inhabited.

Education - What is Gregory Eli McGurten’s level of education?

None (formally)/ taught to read

Birthday - When is Gregory Eli McGurten’s birthday?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Gregory Eli McGurten have?


history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Zoë Jacks on

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