info Overview
Name - What is Jack Bartholomew Warren’s full name?

Jack Bartholomew Warren

Role - What is Jack Bartholomew Warren’s role in your story?

1/2 of the Two Kings soul bond. Protagonist and brother to Frank and Alexa. Son of Henry and Rose, nephew to Jim and Anne

Other names - What other aliases does Jack Bartholomew Warren go by?


Gender - What is Jack Bartholomew Warren’s gender?


Age - How old is Jack Bartholomew Warren?

18 years old

face Looks
Weight - How much does Jack Bartholomew Warren weigh?

145 pounds

Height - How tall is Jack Bartholomew Warren?


Hair Color - What color is Jack Bartholomew Warren’s hair?

Dark Brown

Hair Style - How does Jack Bartholomew Warren style their hair?

Short and Crazy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jack Bartholomew Warren have?


Eye Color - What is Jack Bartholomew Warren’s eye color?

Storm blue

Linked Races

Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jack Bartholomew Warren have?

Mysterious scar across his back and scar on right hand

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jack Bartholomew Warren have?

He is good, determined, brave, strong and has a lot of fortitude

Motivations - What motivates Jack Bartholomew Warren most?

He is determined to do the right thing no matter the personal cost, he believes family is the most important thing.

Flaws - What flaws does Jack Bartholomew Warren have?

He is too prideful and has been scarred from doing wrong even if it required to do good

Prejudices - What prejudices does Jack Bartholomew Warren have?

He is accepting of all;none

Talents - What talents does Jack Bartholomew Warren have?

He is very athletic and very that comes with being a Sempi-Medi which includes basic magic, enhanced strength, speed and agility

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jack Bartholomew Warren have?

He plays arcade games, keeps journals, paints sometimes and hangs out with friends

Personality type - What personality type is Jack Bartholomew Warren?


Magical abilities

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Jack Bartholomew Warren practice?

He is undecided

Politics - What politics does Jack Bartholomew Warren have?


Occupation - What is Jack Bartholomew Warren’s occupation?

He works at various jobs on certain days,

Favorite color - What is Jack Bartholomew Warren’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Jack Bartholomew Warren’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Jack Bartholomew Warren’s favorite possession?

His wolf locket containing a picture of his girlfriend, Alice

Favorite weapon - What is Jack Bartholomew Warren’s favorite weapon?

His magical switch blade which changes sizes to adapt to the situation

Favorite animal - What is Jack Bartholomew Warren’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Jack Bartholomew Warren’s birthday?

April 14, 2000

Education - What is Jack Bartholomew Warren’s level of education?

He is a high school student on track to graduate junior year with his friends.

Background - What is Jack Bartholomew Warren’s background?

He was born in Providence, Rhode Island to a Henry and Diane Warren. He grew up in several houses while his father was job searching until his father was finally hired as a mechanic for a decade before retiring. He has two siblings, Alexa who is 15 and Jake who is 16. They are were all very close growing up and still are. He had “behavior” issues growing up(his powers manifesting) requiring to move houses as well for the early years

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Jack Bartholomew Warren have?

He has a dog named Virgil.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
folder_open Powers
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This character was created by Ryan McHugh on

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