info Overview
Name - What is The Eye of Unhtekku’s full name?

The Eye of Unhtekku

Item Type - What type of item is The Eye of Unhtekku?

Magical artifact

Description - Describe The Eye of Unhtekku.

The literal eye of Unhtekku that was preserved by crystallisation after Ulgdroku, the Shadow King of Tarth invaded his village and gouged out his left eye as a trophy

redeem Looks
Materials - What is The Eye of Unhtekku made out of?

Internally, an eyeball but is an emerald externally

Weight - How much does The Eye of Unhtekku weigh?

8 grams

date_range History
Year it was made - When was The Eye of Unhtekku made?

2,500 B.C.

flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does The Eye of Unhtekku possess?

-Can be used as a protective rune
-Can read minds
-Can see glimpses into the future

edit Notes

This item was created by Ryan McHugh on

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