info Overview
Name - What is Argo’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Argo go by?

Vien Harlock (real name)

Role - What is Argo’s role in your story?

Interdimensional Demon

Age - How old is Argo?

Looks about 25, is actually about 200

Gender - What is Argo’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Argo have?

Faint sideburns, lots of stubble

Hair Style - How does Argo style their hair?

Messy undercut that doesn't look much like an undercut

Hair Color - What color is Argo’s hair?


Height - How tall is Argo?

About 6' 2"

Weight - How much does Argo weigh?

About 190 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Argo have?

Several small scars, the Argo constellation tattooed on the back of his neck

Body Type


Skin Tone

Faint tan

Race - What is Argo’s race?

Interdimensional demon

Eye Color - What is Argo’s eye color?

Icy blue

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Argo have?

Dislikes angels, doesn't get along with most gods



Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Argo have?

Polite, almost always has his arms crossed or one hand in his pockets and a coffee in the other, uses a deep voice when communicating over radio

Motivations - What motivates Argo most?

Money, making others happy

Flaws - What flaws does Argo have?

Isn't the best at taking care of himself, sometimes has skewed morals, sometimes a bit of a control freak

Talents - What talents does Argo have?

Able to pinpoint the location of almost any living creature within moments, intelligent, powerful despite being looked down on

Hobbies - What hobbies does Argo have?

Reading, giving people tours of the Basilisk's hotel units, working with kids, stargazing

Personality type - What personality type is Argo?

Polite, generally kind, worries needlessly over many things, cares a lot about his friends, easily flustered, a little on the smug side, looks innocent but is actually a sinnamon roll

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Argo’s favorite color?


Favorite animal - What is Argo’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Argo’s favorite weapon?

Stars/star-related magic, his true form

Favorite possession - What is Argo’s favorite possession?

A small radio that attaches to his ear ear that Kaz made him

Favorite food - What is Argo’s favorite food?

Coffee cake

Occupation - What is Argo’s occupation?

Bartender, hotel manager, parallel manager

Politics - What politics does Argo have?

One of Damascus' most trusted employees, he manages the Basilisk's rooming districts (specifically the parallel)

Religion - What religion does Argo practice?


Job - What job does Argo have?

Right hand man to Damascus, hotel manager (cover job)

info History
Background - What is Argo’s background?

He was born in Britain around 200 years ago to a wealthy family who specialized in magic. His family were healers, but when his father was discovered teaching his older brother healing through dark magic, the two were burned at the stake. His mother and little sister were murdered as well the night after the burning, and he was the only one to escape. Vien, now going by the name Argo, became a contract killer who used dark magic to kill in exchange for food and money. He ended up accidentally selling his soul to Damascus, resulting in his memory being wiped and his becoming a demon trapped in service to the god

Education - What is Argo’s level of education?

About college level

Birthday - When is Argo’s birthday?

December 1

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Argo have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Helped watch over Kaz and Michael from young ages, mute, can talk through electronic devices (specifically radios, but phones and sometimes TVs work), only possession left from his time as a human is a silver locket with his family's pictures in it, mom=Adeline Harlock, dad=James Harlock, older brother=James Harlock Jr., little sister=Meredith Harlock, had a condition that caused him to "tic" when he was still human (he would randomly twitch while stuttering, ex: "Thank you, s-sir," he said, his finger twitching a few times as he stammered)

brush Appearance (Advanced)

Argo constellation on the back of his neck (highly sensitive)

Alternate clothes

Usually opts for comfortable things such as hoodies and sweatpants, but will wear button ups and jeans when going out


Black suit vest, black slacks, black Oxfords, white button down, dark blue bowtie



brightness_6 Alternate Form

Dimensional Demon


Monstrous in appearance, with the head of a wolf, deer antlers, missing bits of the face that look rather skeletal, can either be human-like or just a half wolf half snake with a sort of bladed tail


Grows exhausted when exerting powers quickly but has a quick recovery time, rather terrifying


Increased size, increased strength/speed, heightened senses




Teleportation, super strength/speed, able to see just about anything (including disguises and spirits), material construction, spellcasting, summoning

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This character was created by _octane_ on

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