info Overview
Name - What is Samandriel’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Samandriel go by?


Role - What is Samandriel’s role in your story?

Infinitalis' Guardian

Age - How old is Samandriel?

As old as the dimension of Infinitalis

Gender - What is Samandriel’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Samandriel have?

Fluffy fire I guess

Hair Style - How does Samandriel style their hair?

He's a lion...?

Hair Color - What color is Samandriel’s hair?

Fur is black, flame mane is reddish-gold

Height - How tall is Samandriel?

About 20 ft

Weight - How much does Samandriel weigh?

A ton or two

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Samandriel have?

Lava-like red cracks along his fur

Body Type

He's a...really buff lion?

Skin Tone

Black fur

Race - What is Samandriel’s race?


Eye Color - What is Samandriel’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Samandriel have?

Looks down on most other creatures, including his own species (he also looks down on the gods but hides it since he's Infinitalis' guardian)

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Samandriel have?

Usually angry, acts "noble" all the time

Motivations - What motivates Samandriel most?

Keeping his title, ensuring the balance of the multiverse is safe

Flaws - What flaws does Samandriel have?

Easily manipulated, quick to anger despite his attempts at being "noble," easily bored, has no persuasion skills except for hoping he can get people to do stuff through a display of power/throwing money at them

Talents - What talents does Samandriel have?

Fire/lava manipulation, able to raise creatures from the dead, able to generate/transfer power like a living nuclear reactor, can create blades from his palms

Hobbies - What hobbies does Samandriel have?

Messing with lower creatures (especially lesser gods), causing wars out of boredom

Personality type - What personality type is Samandriel?

Believes himself to be noble and tries to play the part, easily angered, thinks highly of himself, likes to think his species is above all others, justifies his vigilante-like justice with being a "noble servant of the universe"

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Samandriel’s favorite color?


Favorite animal - What is Samandriel’s favorite animal?

Likes to use Ladies of the Veil as servants (monsters of lava and metal disguised as fair maidens)

Favorite weapon - What is Samandriel’s favorite weapon?

Fire/lava in his true form, broadsword(s) in his disguised "human" form

Favorite possession - What is Samandriel’s favorite possession?

His palace in the Molhaven Gates

Favorite food - What is Samandriel’s favorite food?

Basically any kind of meat, especially lamb and deer

Occupation - What is Samandriel’s occupation?

Gatekeeper of Infinitalis

Politics - What politics does Samandriel have?

Currently trying to find a way to destroy the Court of the Underworld (he was manipulated onto Inspa's side of the war), also looking for Balthazar to bring him before the courts for more or less abandoning his post as guardian

Religion - What religion does Samandriel practice?


info History
Background - What is Samandriel’s background?

Has always been in a position of power due to the fact that he was the second guardian and the most powerful next to Balthazar, normally uncaring when it comes to wars in Infinitalis but was convinced to fight against the Paean gods in the Paean Occurrences and was manipulated into fighting for Inspa in the War of Centuries

Education - What is Samandriel’s level of education?

More or less as high as possible

Birthday - When is Samandriel’s birthday?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Samandriel have?

Several hellhounds and creatures of lava

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Uses human form to track down Balthazar at some point, generally hates angels and demons, more or less best friends with the goddess of Justice, humanish form is a 7' dude with tan-brown skin and vitiligo splotches with a short messy haircut and has rune tattoos that turn red-orange, basically any sort of cold and water related thing will hurt his abilities and powers, throws money at people when intimidating them doesn't work because he has the persuasion skills of a frikkin doorknob, lowkey had a thing for Balthazar once apon a time, has horrendous eyesight in his human form

brush Appearance (Advanced)
brightness_6 Alternate Form
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