info Overview
Name - What is Violette Swifte’s full name?

Violette Swifte

Other names - What other aliases does Violette Swifte go by?

  • Old Bitch/Lady

  • Mrs. Swifte

  • The Flower Witch

Role - What is Violette Swifte’s role in your story?

An old confectioner who lives in Crenel Hills and is the creator and owner of Purple Gold violet tea syrup, she is befriended by Lyra who happened upon her home one day while seeking treasure based on a false map.

Gender - What is Violette Swifte’s gender?


Age - How old is Violette Swifte?


face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Violette Swifte have?

  • mole next to left nostril

  • wears very thick, purple horn-rimmed glasses (1950's style)

  • has no teeth and wears impossibly straight and white dentures that almost look like horse teeth

Hair Style - How does Violette Swifte style their hair?

Tied back in a ponytail that reaches in between her shoulder blades

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Violette Swifte have?

Gray whiskers on chin

Eye Color - What is Violette Swifte’s eye color?


Race - What is Violette Swifte’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone

Pale and wrinkled

Body Type

Short and very thin, slightly hunched over

Weight - How much does Violette Swifte weigh?

85 pounds

Height - How tall is Violette Swifte?


Hair Color - What color is Violette Swifte’s hair?

Dyed violet purple

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Violette Swifte have?

Hates (most) children, men, people who don't like confections, people who talk to her, people in general, her neighbors, the military, animals (particularly bears) and bananas

Talents - What talents does Violette Swifte have?

Has been making confections out of swift violets for nearly 40 years and runs a successful business selling her creations

Is very handy with a crossbow and can kill a grizzlemaw with just a couple of well-placed shots

Is much stronger than she looks and has crazy finger-strength

Hobbies - What hobbies does Violette Swifte have?

Confectionery, gardening, bee-keeping

Personality type - What personality type is Violette Swifte?

Mrs. Swifte is a crabby old woman who loves swift violets, making candy, and almost nothing else. She comes off as ornery when interacting with most people, but once you get to know her, she's just a lonely old woman who doesn't want to be bothered. She enjoys making her candies, treats, and tea syrup out of swift violets, her favorite flower and flavor, and she enjoys running her business away from the prying eyes of the rest of the world. Although she doesn't like to interact with others and despises when she has to leave her house, she secretly enjoys the company of anyone who is brave enough to enter her bear trap-riddled domain.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Violette Swifte have?

  • cackles to herself when she's making candy because she likes the idea of being a witch

  • only wears her dentures when she's eating, and not for a moment otherwise

  • can't help but to snack as she cooks

  • talks to her flowers as if they were dear friends; apologizes for "killing" them when she harvests them for her candy

  • talks to her bees as if they were annoying children

  • her home is decorated with pictures of her creations rather than pictures of her family; she does have a photo album of her family that was created by her son and given to her as a gift, which she allows to gather dust underneath her bed

  • drinks her cooking liqueurs straight

Motivations - What motivates Violette Swifte most?

Just wants to make candy in the comfort of her own home until she drops dead

Flaws - What flaws does Violette Swifte have?

Is very rude to other people, even those who are just trying to be nice, and comes off as insensitive

Doesn't know much about current events as she doesn't read newspapers and barely talks to other people

Doesn't feel the need to censor herself in polite company, and almost every other word that comes out of her mouth is a swear

Believes that more modern cooking tools are for weaklings who can't actually cook; the most up to date cooking implement that she owns is a mercury-less candy thermometer that labels the different sugar stages as well as temperature numbers, but that was only because her old one broke and she couldn't find any others on the market "because they're dangerous or some such bullshit"

groups Social
Occupation - What is Violette Swifte’s occupation?

Confectioner and business owner

Favorite color - What is Violette Swifte’s favorite color?

Violet purple and forest green

Favorite food - What is Violette Swifte’s favorite food?

Violet-flavored candies and baked goods, particularly violet caramel chews

Favorite possession - What is Violette Swifte’s favorite possession?

'Gurdy', her purple porcelain enamel double-boiler that was a wedding gift from her late-husband

Favorite weapon - What is Violette Swifte’s favorite weapon?

wooden crossbow

Favorite animal - What is Violette Swifte’s favorite animal?

hates animals, but she likes her bees

Languages spoken

Religion - What religion does Violette Swifte practice?

Hylianism; as she often says, "the only person I have to impress is the Goddess Herself, and I sure hope She likes candy, cuz that's the goodest thing about me"

Politics - What politics does Violette Swifte have?

Apolitical, and vehemently so

info History
Background - What is Violette Swifte’s background?

Violette Swifte was born to a modest farming family in Hateno Village several decades after the Calamity ravaged Hyrule. By the time she was born, it was business as usual as long as one did not travel outside of the village bounds, so she grew up in relative comfort. Starting at 6 years old, Violette showed an affinity for candy-making, and would often spend hours watching the confectioners work. At 10, her family scraped together enough funds for her to apprentice at a bakery. She learned the tricks of the trade until she was 17, then set out on her own to make a name for herself and find a style. During her travels, she discovered the swift violet and fell in love with its color and aroma, as well as the fact that they shared a name. She began to experiment with it and discovered that not only was it possible to extract flavor from, it also tasted pretty darn good.

Back in Hateno, Violette set about creating her own confections using violets and found moderate success selling her goods to passers-by in front of her house. Her most famous product was her tea syrup, which she dubbed Purple Gold. Travelers from all over purchased her syrup, and many bakeries offered to purchase the recipe, including her old master, but she refused them all because she enjoyed making and selling her products.

At 24, Violette married the owner of the confectionery shop Swifte Candies where she frequented for raw materials. She jokingly offered to marry him so that her last name, which at the time was 'Oriander', could be changed to 'Swifte' so that she could cash in on the irony, but the widowed and lonely Mr. Swifte thought it was so endearing that he proposed to her on the spot. Having no other prospects, Violette agreed, and the two married soon after.

Mr. and the new Mrs. Swifte ran their businesses together for 40 years until Violette's husband, who was nearly 15 years her senior, died of natural causes due to age. Because Mr. Swifte was married with children once before, Violette could not inherit her husband's business, so she decided to leave Hateno and try to make it in the now-rebuilt Central Hyrule. After surveying the region for a viable place to live and re-build her business, she finally settled on a semi-enclosed forest in Crenel Hills that was perfect for what she needed (despite the bears) at the ripe age of 54. With the help of one of her stepsons who owned a franchise of Swifte Candies in Central City, Violette's Purple Gold tea syrup was back in business in less than two years.

When she was in her 70s, she met Lyra Dragmire after the child disabled all of the bear traps meant to protect her home in pursuit of "treasure". Despite their clashing personalities, Violette immediately took a shine to Lyra because she reminded her of herself when she was younger: adventurous, brash, and dedicated. It did not take long for Violette to take Lyra on as a protege of sorts, despite the fact that Lyra had no plans to go into the confectionery business and came to see her as a grandchild (and free labor).

At her death, the Purple Gold brand was passed on to Lyra as the sole owner, much to the anger of her actual son who had been vying for his mother's approval for years and believed that this final act meant that his mother never cared much for him.

Education - What is Violette Swifte’s level of education?

Basic reading, writing, and math; apprenticed under a wealthy confectionery practice from 10 to 17

Birthday - When is Violette Swifte’s birthday?

10 Sprina 39 E.A.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

meets Lyra in the early spring of 24 E.C.

folder_open Apparel
Work wear

Her usual dresses plus her waist aprons that are all white with swift violet flowers stitched on in various arrangements and patterns


Looks like a typical housewife from Hateno Village; loves the color purple and cute aprons (owns 12 different aprons)

Formal wear


Everyday wear

Violet-colored, Hateno-style dresses and simple brown moccasins


Aprons, plus a single violet that she keeps tucked behind her ear

folder_open Speech

Necludian (think American midwest)

Verbal tics

Curses almost every other word


Old and crisp




A light cackle, almost like a witch, but just airy enough to not sound dark-sided


Hateno variety:
* hello --> hullo
* welcome --> willcome
* if --> iff'n
* you --> ya/y'all
* I think --> I reckon
* your --> yer
* ought to --> outta
* autumn --> fall

Common phrases

"ya dumbass child"

"go fuck yerself"

"Hylia help me"

"Kiss my geriatric ass"

"I reckon I outta choke you"

"Well little ones, today's the day. The day you die."

folder_open Other details

Violette believes that not utilizing a talent is as morally reprehensible to the Goddess as being a swindler or thief, because talents are blessings given to us by Hylia



Physical trauma

She has a nasty sugar burn scar on her right forearm from a caramel-making mishap.

Morality & Philosophy

She chose being a talented person over being a good person, and worships Hylia with her talent, not with her deeds. She believes that this is a moral way to live as long as she doesn't actively harm others, and also believes that the fact that she is successful in life proves her philosophy to be correct

Mental Trauma


Failures & embarrassments

Although she would never admit it, Violette regrets how emotionally distant she was with her son and his family


Created a successful business out of doing what she loved the most: confectionery

folder_open Wealth



Merchant-class commoner


She owns two sets of property, her land in Crenel Hills and her parent's farm in Hateno Village. Her business property is worth about 500,000R, while the farm is worth 75,000R.

Her business is worth 6,000,000R.

She has about 50,000R worth of porcelain cookware and dishware, and 20,000R worth of family heirlooms.


  • pays 57,500R in annual taxes every year

  • pays the mid-low risk business tax rate (8%) every quarter, which averages out to 25,000R, or 100,000R every year

  • business expenses averages out to 3150R (sugar)+ 50R (Goron spice) + 4500R (monster extract) + 90,000R (syrup jars) + about 150,000R in other expenses (decorations, labels, postage, ad space, etc.) = 247,700R per month, or 1,981,600R per year


None; her only son is an adult and takes care of himself


Has about 500,000R worth of savings at all times


Earns about 2,500,000R a year from selling Purple Gold, which, minus expenses, comes to a profit of about 243,400R per year

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This character was created by Ammy M. on

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