info Overview
Name - What is Sturgil Friedrich Drecks’s full name?

Sturgil Friedrich Drecks

Age - How old is Sturgil Friedrich Drecks?


Gender - What is Sturgil Friedrich Drecks’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Sturgil Friedrich Drecks go by?


Role - What is Sturgil Friedrich Drecks’s role in your story?

Angel and Ambassador to Roderich.



face Looks
Hair Style - How does Sturgil Friedrich Drecks style their hair?

He lets it flow however it wants to flow that day.

Hair Color - What color is Sturgil Friedrich Drecks’s hair?

Dark blue, almost black (normally white but he covers it up with magic).

Eye Color - What is Sturgil Friedrich Drecks’s eye color?

Dark red (one eye is actually violet, but he thinks he looks more badass if his eyes are red).

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Sturgil Friedrich Drecks have?

Can get stubble easily, but he hates it so he shaves it off.

Body Type

Well-built and powerful; inverted triangle.

Skin Tone


Height - How tall is Sturgil Friedrich Drecks?


Identifying Features

Left ear has multiple piercings, also has a lip piercing.

fingerprint Nature

Sturgil hates his name - hence why he'll go by Friedrich or Gil. He's loud, obnoxious, and full of himself; he seems to be oblivious of this most of the time. His loudness and brashness is usually used to push someone like his boss into acting more confidently; he has no problem putting himself out there so others may feel more comfortable in situations that may be considered quite stressful.

He's also a very ambitious person - he never does anything half-assed, and is always meticulous in his work, often going back to double check it.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Sturgil Friedrich Drecks have?

Sounds cocky when he talks. Fairly thick German accent.

Motivations - What motivates Sturgil Friedrich Drecks most?

Seeing Roderich smile.

Flaws - What flaws does Sturgil Friedrich Drecks have?

Easily distracted, can be full of himself.

Talents - What talents does Sturgil Friedrich Drecks have?

Skilled at most forms of combat; very good at fighting dirty.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sturgil Friedrich Drecks have?

People (Roderich) watching, taking care of animals.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Sturgil Friedrich Drecks’s favorite possession?


info History
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history Changelog
edit Notes
group_work Current Status

He currently lives as a human inside of Dechrau Newydd while his soul repairs itself, unaware of his true role in the universe.

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