info Overview
Name - What is Dylan Pembroke’s full name?

Dylan Pembroke

Age - How old is Dylan Pembroke?

36, Timeless

Gender - What is Dylan Pembroke’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Dylan Pembroke go by?

The Martyr; The Vessel

Role - What is Dylan Pembroke’s role in your story?

The martyr, the vessel. Ambassador to the Gods of Knowledge.



face Looks
Hair Style - How does Dylan Pembroke style their hair?

Messy and tousled; wavy with large curls at the ends of his hair. Constantly runs his fingers through it.

Hair Color - What color is Dylan Pembroke’s hair?

Dark blonde.

Eye Color - What is Dylan Pembroke’s eye color?

Sea green. Very saturated.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Dylan Pembroke have?

Shaves frequently, but he's pretty terrible at it. Constant but irregular stubble.

Body Type

Lean; fairly skinny, little muscle mass, but retains a fair amount of strength despite that.

Skin Tone

Very pale, with freckles apparent on most of his body.

Height - How tall is Dylan Pembroke?


Identifying Features

A scar near his heart, present in both Atua and Dechrau Newydd.

Linked Races

fingerprint Nature

He is a kind-hearted, warm, self-sacrificing person. In dreamworld, he is Rhys' father; though this is not the case in Atua. He loves to joke around and will frequently attempt to use humour to alleviate a stressful situation.

He is purpose-driven, but loves his down time. He can make a single task last hours, when it should have only taken twenty minutes at most. Tediousness is his best friend.

He is always putting himself at the forefront of conflict and tries to take the brunt of any damages or violence that he may be involved in. He is generally prepared to do so, as well; he is confident when it comes to utilizing his own magic. He's well aware of his limits but surpasses them regularly; he is considered faintly masochistic due to this habit.

Has an indefinite, bottomless thirst for knowledge. He has a general idea of the existence of Atua, as he is still in tune with the Ambassador half of his soul. He wishes to return, but does not know the implications of doing so. He is constantly seeking out information on this new world, but evidence is scarce and he becomes increasingly frustrated with himself; this results in many sleepless nights with him pacing.

He's also unaware of the fact that he is slowly killing himself, with every time he pushes himself over the edge with his magic.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Dylan Pembroke have?

Informal and warm way of speaking, animated and good-natured. Refrains from insulting others. Much is said with a smile. Thick Welsh accent.

Motivations - What motivates Dylan Pembroke most?

A desire to see the future, and to seek answers about the unknown.

Flaws - What flaws does Dylan Pembroke have?

The unfortunate vessel for Owen; he is unaware of this. Utilization of magic damages his soul further. Pushes himself harder than he should, with negative consequences.

Talents - What talents does Dylan Pembroke have?

Extremely powerful mage; this is due to the presence of Owen and his ability to draw on his source power as an Ambassador. Every time he does it, however, it destroys his soul a little more.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Dylan Pembroke have?

Writing, learning new things, people watching, being unnecessarily nosy.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Dylan Pembroke’s favorite animal?

Yr Ddraig Goch; the red dragon. He claims to have owned one once.

Favorite weapon - What is Dylan Pembroke’s favorite weapon?

His own magic.

Favorite possession - What is Dylan Pembroke’s favorite possession?

A notebook he keeps his dreams recorded in.

Favorite food - What is Dylan Pembroke’s favorite food?

Fish & Chips

Occupation - What is Dylan Pembroke’s occupation?

An accomplished writer in the Dechrau Newydd.

info History
Background - What is Dylan Pembroke’s background?

Originally created as the ambassador to Phima (original God of Knowledge), Dylan is one of the oldest ambassadors alive - the other being Xiao. Over the years, he has served under every god of Knowledge, operating as the vector from one god to the next.

It is not recorded how many gods of knowledge he has gone through, but he remembers them all. Gods of knowledge are different from other gods in the fact that they are generational; the death of one god of knowledge does not constitute the destruction of their book. A new god is born and the world continues.

He has been godless for some time now, and has tired of finding mortals who crave knowledge, blessing them with the power of a god. He had cut a deal with another god, to use an analog of theirs as the new god of knowledge.

Some time after the deal was made, a strange energy passed through Atua. It strangled many of the ambassadors and damaged their souls, Dylan included. At around this time, Kayra dispelled much of her anger and hate of the world; a newly born demon, Owen found repose in Dylan's damaged soul. The plan to use an analog as the new god was put on hold, awaiting Dylan's recovery.

Now comatose, Dylan has has the mortal and deidic halves of his souls segregated; while the damaged deidic half heals, his mortal half remains in Dechrau Newydd. There, he possesses no knowledge nor memories of his life in Atua - in theory.

When the souls were split, his was not partitioned properly. Instead of distinct halves, Dylan's two halves maintained some semblance of mergance. This means he sees his memories in the form of dreams, and he has access to magic.

Utilizing that magic is slowly killing him, unknown to him.

Birthday - When is Dylan Pembroke’s birthday?

March 1st

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
group_work Current Status

He currently lives as a human inside of Dechrau Newydd while his soul repairs itself, but is somewhat aware of his true role in the universe.

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