info Overview
Name - What is Seamus Fionnàn’s full name?

Seamus Fionnàn

Age - How old is Seamus Fionnàn?


Gender - What is Seamus Fionnàn’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Seamus Fionnàn go by?

Sea (shay)

Role - What is Seamus Fionnàn’s role in your story?

Ambassador to Fortuity.



face Looks
Hair Style - How does Seamus Fionnàn style their hair?

Kept fairly short, but he straightens it.

Hair Color - What color is Seamus Fionnàn’s hair?

Dark red

Eye Color - What is Seamus Fionnàn’s eye color?

Bright green.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Seamus Fionnàn have?

Mild scruff.

Body Type

Broad-shouldered, well built.

Skin Tone

Pale, covered in freckles.

Height - How tall is Seamus Fionnàn?


Identifying Features

A scar on his chest/back from where he was once run through with a sword.

Linked Races

fingerprint Nature

Slow to anger, quick to judge. Extremely to those he perceives as something akin to younger siblings. Open and boisterous, fun-loving.

Sometimes takes a joke too far and gets smacked for it.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Seamus Fionnàn have?

Friendly, bit of a pervert. Almost impossible to understand him because of his accent.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Seamus Fionnàn’s occupation?

When he's in Dechrau Newydd, he works as a fashion designer.

info History
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
group_work Current Status

He currently lives as a human inside of Dechrau Newydd while his soul repairs itself, unaware of his true role in the universe.

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Seamus Fionnàn

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Seamus Fionnàn

Scene chevron_right Characters in scene link linked Seamus Fionnàn

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