info Overview
Name - What is Elise Bishop’s full name?

Elise Bishop

Gender - What is Elise Bishop’s gender?


Role - What is Elise Bishop’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Elise Bishop?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Elise Bishop’s hair?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Elise Bishop have?


Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Elise Bishop’s race?


Eye Color - What is Elise Bishop’s eye color?

Forest green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Elise Bishop have?


Hair Style - How does Elise Bishop style their hair?


Weight - How much does Elise Bishop weigh?


Height - How tall is Elise Bishop?


fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Elise Bishop have?


Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Elise Bishop have?

Elise is emotionally unstable, and laughs when nervous.

Motivations - What motivates Elise Bishop most?

Family, when she was in seventh grade, her family was ripped apart, she wants to fix it, but also wants to be in control of the world so no one can hurt her again.

Flaws - What flaws does Elise Bishop have?

addiction, Elise did drugs young and now relys on them

Talents - What talents does Elise Bishop have?


Personality type - What personality type is Elise Bishop?

Elise used to be a sweet girl, but now her world is filled with a two faced reflection a twists and turns around every corner.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Elise Bishop’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Elise Bishop’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Elise Bishop’s favorite weapon?


Favorite color - What is Elise Bishop’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Elise Bishop’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Elise Bishop have?


Religion - What religion does Elise Bishop practice?


info History
Education - What is Elise Bishop’s level of education?


Background - What is Elise Bishop’s background?

Elise used to be tight knit with her two sister Celia and Ellen, but in 7th grade, she got peer pressured into doing drugs. Celia tried to help, but Elise pushed her sisters away. She believed that impressing other people would make her happy, but it made things worse, as she is now insecure. When Ellen tried to stop her from doing drugs, she broke Ellen's arm. When she found out her two sisters went to live with her grandfather, she was furious. when she found out they were accepted into TSSS, she thought it was her grandfathers fault and wants to destroy the TSSS. She believes that using the orb contained in the TSSS will help her fix her family that was taken away from her by, (she believes) her grandfather Ross.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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