info Overview
Name - What is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas’s full name?

Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas

Gender - What is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas go by?


Role - What is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas?

Has existed since the beginning of the universe, but is (usually) 22 in human form

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas style their hair?

Bangs sweep upward to his left, sticks out to left and right, very long lock on his right, wears pink and orange feather on his left

Hair Color - What color is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas’s hair?

Light blond with cerulean tips

Height - How tall is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas have?

His mark on his back, two aquamarine dots above each eye, swirly green mark on each cheek, frecKLES (they’re not in the picture oof)

Body Type

Muscular, "above average"

Skin Tone

Russet brown

Race - What is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas’s race?

Not applicable, but Arab in human form (well, predominantly Arab, though there's a bit of every ethnicity in him somewhere)

Eye Color - What is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas’s eye color?

Vibrant parakeet green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas have?

Tried growing a goatee once from a dare with War, but has since shaved it off

Weight - How much does Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas weigh?

209 pounds

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas?

You don't want to talk to him? Too bad. He is the peoplest people person there is. Would probably die in isolation. He loves meeting people.
Super outgoing and kind. Like I said before, also a dumpster fire. He's always 100% overdramatic with everything. Optimistic and determined most of the time, but turns into a huge pessimist when something goes badly. Expect a complete 180 mood change when you're with him. He's good at reading the atmosphere, but he mostly does what he wants anyway. If you're sad, he'll probably do whatever he can to make you feel better.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas have?

Drawing, painting, roller-skating, gardening, cooking, dancing, surfing, skateboarding, doing DIY projects
Also talking to people...just talking. So much talking. Could go on for hours.

Talents - What talents does Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas have?

Communication, teamwork, improving any party he's at
Also really good at making people feel better about themselves?

Prejudices - What prejudices does Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas have?

Because he rushes to conclusions, he tends to evaluate someone by appearance alone (e.g. people in grey business suits are boring, sour-faced people are strict, those with unnecessary luxuries are selfish)

Flaws - What flaws does Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas have?

Overly emotional (for all emotions tbh), holds onto grudges, impatient, overzealous, shows too much energy, rarely reads the atmosphere of a situation, tends to be extremely unfair, always rushes to conclusions, a bit of a wild card (he's basically a dumpster fire)

Motivations - What motivates Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas most?

Exploring the impossible, experiencing every part of the Biorealm, meeting and making new friends around the world, living to the fullest

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas have?

Always ends up gesticulating wildly while talking, makes the weirdest facial expressions, looks oddly amused when he stares off into space

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas practice?


Politics - What politics does Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas have?

Only gets involved/helps when something particularly bad happens (like particularly nasty wars and such)

Occupation - What is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas’s favorite color?

It depends on his mood

Favorite food - What is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas’s favorite food?

Watermelon and pistachios (not together, though)

Favorite possession - What is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas’s favorite possession?

Loves his mood ring (it's real)

Favorite weapon - What is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas’s favorite weapon?

His staff Life's Staff

Favorite animal - What is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas’s favorite animal?


info History
Birthday - When is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas’s birthday?

June 22

Education - What is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas’s level of education?

Has all knowledge in the back of his brain somewhere, but most of the time he's only able to recall ridiculously specific details

Background - What is Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas’s background?

Life has existed since the beginning of the universe, along with Death, Love, War, and Time. He's spent his existence creating whatever he can think of and exploring the world for inspiration. Eventually, he realized that Time was causing him to start fading away, so he turned a Chinese girl named Jiayu into his Outlet- an Everlasting. She was immortal until her transfer to Death. Currently, Life has four Outlets: Rebecca, Hunter, Alex, and Zack. He's especially close to Zack, as they both love adventure. Life is also the creator of Myth, whom Time asked him to make. Life designed the simulation which Myth endured in Time's attempt to find someone exactly like himself.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Life/Lucas Rivers-Nahas have?

Spirit, his creature-thing Spirit

history Changelog
edit Notes

Regardless of how friendly he is, people are attracted to Lucas depending on how much they love their lives. Suicidal people dislike him (though they themselves can never explain why), but those who value and enjoy living tend to be naturally drawn to him. It doesn’t matter how good or bad that person is- the wealthy and corrupt may love him while the kind and sincere may not.

Character Songs:
Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen
Nine in the Afternoon- Panic! at the Disco
All Star- Smash Mouth
She Looks So Perfect- 5 Seconds of Summer
Bittersweet- Panic! at the Disco
Rebel Beat- Goo Goo Dolls
Riptide- Vance Joy
Electric Love- BØRNS

favorite_border Orientation




star_border Exact Relationships







Lucas and Love/Madeleine Minett understand each other well- after all, they both have the strongest attachment to the Biorealm and those who live there. Lucas deeply respects Madeleine for needing barely any help to start her kingdom, Romantiqua, whereas Lucas designed practically all of Victoria's kingdom, Pandemonium, for her, and Erik just gave up on his. They like to talk about how their Outlets are doing, and they have an inside joke about how he shares an Outlet with Victoria so she'll make Hunter one of her shared Outlets (even though she never does). Madeleine also likes to give advice about Lucas's ~relationship~ with Max. Lucas and Madeleine once dated about a thousand years ago, but it was brief and they hardly ever talk about it. It's guaranteed that the topic won't come up in front of Max and Victoria.




Okey dokey, so Lucas has a super duper highkey (requited but he doesn't know that) crush on Max, but of course it always goes absolutely nowhere. They still call each other their best friend, but the truth is that most friends don't "hang out in nice places" (i.e. go on dates) at least once every month. Lucas is the only person who Max shares his insecurities and fears with. As Max is a particularly good listener and Lucas is a particularly good talker, they get along smoothly.


Lucas and War/Victoria Martínez are the best of best friends. They like to crash college parties and both have "refined" tastes in alcohol. They're the most chaotic of the Essentials and have a penchant for getting themselves into trouble. They love to mess with the other Essentials (Erik,to be specific) and sometimes pose as college students just to get the gossip on what's happening at a certain school and pull pranks that they just couldn't in their Essential forms. Victoria stays away from him when he's particularly down in the dumps, though, as she is in no way equipped for dealing with anyone's emotional baggage (including her own). They would do anything to protect each other and either one would go absolutely berserk if something bad happened to the other. (In the story, something bad happens to the other. And “the other” is not Victoria.) However, Lucas cares a lot more about the rules created by and for the Essentials and would never purposely break them in any way, shape, or form.


Even though Time/Erik Einsam was reclusive, they had a decent relationship until stuff went down with Owen and Grace (see Erik's profile for more details). As Erik's reclusiveness caused him to be incredibly emotionally inexperienced, he didn't know how to handle their deaths. And that lead to an attempted suicide in order to be with them again (fun). Lucas basically went, "Okay, that's fricking insane, if you die the world will literally collapse, I'm going to make you immortal now." And so Lucas made Erik immortal. (As an Essential, he was kind of immortal before but only other Essentials could kill him, but now the Essentials couldn't kill him). Erik, of course, was very salty about being immortal. All of Lucas's attempts to talk to him were met with silence and occasionally a cold glare. Afterwards, Erik approached Lucas and asked him to create a person (Myth) that could understand his troubles. Life, delighted at the prospect of being (sorta but not really) friends again happily obliged. Erik also asked him to create a simulation that mirrored what happened with Owen and Grace. Life tried to do as he asked but he couldn't stand creating a person for the sole purpose of making them suffer. Lucas put Zack in Owen's position and Gwen in Grace's position. That didn't sit so well with Erik, as now Myth couldn't understand what Erik went through since 1) Neither Zack nor Gwen died an early, horrible death and 2) Myth and Zack fell in love instead of Gwen and Zack. This led to the current story of Erik trying to drain Lucas of all of his magic so that he just flat-out disappears and doesn't even go to the Grave.


Alex is his Outlet; Life knows that Alex is pretty independent, but he'll consult Life if he's found a particularly interesting magical/technological discovery or if he wants to learn about something


Hunter, like Love, is pretty good at handling Life's emotions. Hunter doesn't understand Life as much, but he tries to be friendly to him. They'll hang out sometimes and talk about what's going on in their lives at present. Occasionally, Life will teach Hunter about the past and magepatches. Overall, they have a pretty good Outlet-Essential relationship.


Jade used to be his Outlet. They were pretty good friends and got along well, and he could always cheer her up. Currently, they don't talk much.






Life is Myth's creator. He created Myth from scratch as a companion for Time (which didn't turn out so well), and also designed the dream simulation that Myth was kept under (Life also gave them wings because why not).














No matter how hard he tries, he isn't friends with Rebecca. It really bums him out. She refuses to talk to him because of her distrust of magic (more information on that can be found on her character page).


Zack is Life's favorite Outlet. Life hangs out with him more than any of his other Outlets. They're pretty similar personality and interest wise, except for the fact that Zack is more composed. They both love magic and miss the good old days when dragons were as common as pigeons in NYC. No idea is too outlandish for either of them, and they're willing to listen and respect each other's crazy way of thinking without any worries that they might come across as not all quite there in the head.







chat Quotes
Incorrect Quotes


Quote #1

("Lucas nO-")

Quote #2

"I just spent an entire DnD session watching vine compilations. I feel like that sums up my existence."

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