info Overview
Name - What is Alexander Oliver Thistleton’s full name?

Alexander Oliver Thistleton

Gender - What is Alexander Oliver Thistleton’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Alexander Oliver Thistleton go by?

Alex, Mechanic, "The British Kid Whose Name Sounds Like One of the Founding Fathers" (by Zack)

Role - What is Alexander Oliver Thistleton’s role in your story?

An Everlasting, secondary male lead

Age - How old is Alexander Oliver Thistleton?

Appears to be 16, is really 150 years old

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Alexander Oliver Thistleton style their hair?

Bangs sweep to his right, tries to keep it neat but fails, sidebands, short-medium length

Hair Color - What color is Alexander Oliver Thistleton’s hair?

Walnut Brown

Height - How tall is Alexander Oliver Thistleton?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Alexander Oliver Thistleton have?

Life's symbol on back, his laser-arm-cannon on left arm, thick eyebrows

Body Type

Skinny and lanky, gangling, narrow face, long legs

Skin Tone

Pale, pasty

Race - What is Alexander Oliver Thistleton’s race?

Anglo-Saxon with German/Italian roots

Eye Color - What is Alexander Oliver Thistleton’s eye color?

Walnut Brown

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Alexander Oliver Thistleton have?


Weight - How much does Alexander Oliver Thistleton weigh?

163 pounds

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Alexander Oliver Thistleton?

INTJ-A, Ravenclaw
Attempts to be polite but often comes off as curt and sarcastic, tends to over-explain things in an attempt to bore people away, absolutely terrible at expressing romantic feelings, grumpy
Introverted- doesn't connect too well with others, a bit of a recluse
Creative- very innovative, loves learning and inventing contraptions
Organized- well, according to himself....usually has everything in the most bizarre of locations, but can find anything easily, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS FOLDS CLOTHES (no exceptions, ever)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Alexander Oliver Thistleton have?

Embroidery, playing piano, designing objects and buildings, creating Rube Goldberg-like machines because why not, reading, rewatching Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Merlin, the HP movies (and secretly Downton Abbey)

Talents - What talents does Alexander Oliver Thistleton have?

Good mechanic (can fix anything once he knows its inner-workings), fast learner, piano, types at lightning speed, (idk if this is a talent but he has really nice cursive handwriting?)

Prejudices - What prejudices does Alexander Oliver Thistleton have?

Assumes that others are less intelligent because of his immortality and the general fact that he's been acquiring knowledge for 150 years, believes that the wealthy are greedy/corrupt regardless of actions that prove otherwise (Lily is the exception)

Flaws - What flaws does Alexander Oliver Thistleton have?

Aloof and finds it difficult to empathize because of social isolation, values knowledge over own physical health

Motivations - What motivates Alexander Oliver Thistleton most?

Thirst for knowledge, quest to attain ALL knowledge, the possibility he'll meet Lily again

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Alexander Oliver Thistleton have?

Fidgets with whatever's nearby when angry, keeps on repeating motions when tired or in conversation (once held a conversation with Lucas while baking and ended up adding all 12 eggs to the bowl)

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Alexander Oliver Thistleton practice?


Politics - What politics does Alexander Oliver Thistleton have?

Doesn't care for government and tends to avoid officials unless it's business-related

Occupation - What is Alexander Oliver Thistleton’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Alexander Oliver Thistleton’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Alexander Oliver Thistleton’s favorite food?

Lives off of double espressos (also obligatorily tea and scones bc he's British)

Favorite possession - What is Alexander Oliver Thistleton’s favorite possession?

His watch

Favorite weapon - What is Alexander Oliver Thistleton’s favorite weapon?

His laser-arm-cannon

Favorite animal - What is Alexander Oliver Thistleton’s favorite animal?


info History
Birthday - When is Alexander Oliver Thistleton’s birthday?

February 3rd

Education - What is Alexander Oliver Thistleton’s level of education?

Originally taught by grandmother, taught by books after her death

Background - What is Alexander Oliver Thistleton’s background?

Born in London on February 3rd, 1857. His mother died in childbirth and his father became an alcoholic out of grief, barely ever visiting their home anymore. Alex was raised by his grandmother and taught about machinery. He started out with odd jobs, but soon created a small business out of fixing machines. Lily, the daughter of one of Alex's customers, was the only one to seek friendship with him and soon succeeded. She also showed a genuine interest in his line of work and allowed him to gain (illegal) entry to Steampunk, a magepatch where his abilities thrived. He soon began to call Steampunk home. His business expanded from fixing machines to improving them- and, as time would go on, creating commissioned machines. As the Lily and Alex became closer, they fell in love. Lily even told him about Death and her status as a Phoenix- an Outlet that reincarnates every 15 years to fuel Death's existence. She also showed Alex her Death mark. Knowledge of Phoenixes made Alex an Everlasting- an Outlet that lives forever to fuel Life's existence. His Life mark appeared when she died. After Lily's death, he was not paying attention and had a workplace accident that would've surely killed him. After more tests, he figured out that he was immortal. He realized that his Life mark generated energy, and he used this energy to fuel a long sort of glove with combative lasers. He is now reunited with Jade, Lily's reincarnation. However, their relationship is strained because of how much she's changed over the years.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Alexander Oliver Thistleton have?

No pets

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
favorite_border Orientation




star_border Exact Relationships







Every time that they've interacted, Love/Madeleine Minett has been the one to start the conversation. Madeleine is very persistent in getting him to talk about Jade and his feelings for her. After the story's end, they don't talk much because of his and Jade's breakup.


In all honesty, Death/Max Chen kind of creeps him out.


Alex and War/Victoria Martínez haven't ever really talked, but Alex is nevertheless still scared of and intimidated by her (just like everyone else).


Alex sees Time/Erik Einsam as a person who's made some terrible choices, but Alex understands that Lily's emotionally taxing death was similar to Owen and Grace's deaths. Alex knows the pain that Erik experienced, but finds his actions irredeemable in every way.




Alex is glad that Hunter is the one sane person on the team. He appreciates that Hunter's not too nosy and can keep Rebecca and Zack from driving him mad.






Alex respects Myth's apparent knack for technology, but he would really appreciate it if they bothered to ask him before tinkering with his projects.














Alex and Rebecca get along decently because of their sarcastic humor. However, while Alex is a realist, Rebecca is more of a pessimist and sometimes she's much too bitter for his liking.


Alex tried to be somewhat tolerant of Zack at first, but now he considers him irritating and rather bothersome. Alex especially dislikes Zack's constant tirade of questions about his inventions and projects.







chat Quotes
Incorrect Quotes

"I'm British, of course I'm sarcastic about everything. What did you expect?"

Quote #1

"A century...over a century, I've waited. I've been waiting this entire time to see you again. I've been waiting to see the girl who cared about my work. I've been waiting for the girl who helped me with my projects at midnight. And when I met you, I.... I thought the wait was over. But I'm still waiting, because you- You're not her. Why aren't you her? You were supposed to be her..."

Quote #2

"I feel like a Dorito."

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