info Overview
Name - What is Erion Uradavi ’s full name?

Erion Uradavi

Age - How old is Erion Uradavi ?


Gender - What is Erion Uradavi ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Erion Uradavi go by?

Lost son, Janon Hane (assassin alias)

Role - What is Erion Uradavi ’s role in your story?

Teacher, mentor

face Looks
Body Type

Athletic and brawny

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Erion Uradavi have?

Scars on his chest and a 3 in. scar on his right cheek from fighting his brother that becomes more pronounced when he is more tan. His back is a mess of scars from when he had 35 lashes in Lian.

Skin Tone

Tan, leathery from working in the fields and keeping the mill going

Height - How tall is Erion Uradavi ?


Hair Color - What color is Erion Uradavi ’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Erion Uradavi style their hair?

Groomed very short

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Erion Uradavi have?

When he went into hiding

Eye Color - What is Erion Uradavi ’s eye color?


Race - What is Erion Uradavi ’s race?


Weight - How much does Erion Uradavi weigh?

220 lbs

accessibility_new Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Erion Uradavi have?

He strokes his goatee.

Motivations/ Political Stance

He wants to put a stop to his mother's treachery.

Flaws - What flaws does Erion Uradavi have?

He can push Natiselle and Kraiotan too hard.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Erion Uradavi have?

Sees his brothers as sheep who could not see the evil in their mother's heart

Talents - What talents does Erion Uradavi have?

Sword play, brilliant mind, the foil to his mother.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Erion Uradavi have?

He used to love racing his horse with Jerlorn and drinking tea with Marielle in the afternoons, a palace cat in his lap.

Personality type - What personality type is Erion Uradavi ?

Initially he was very curious and was always looking to learn more, not by reading about it, but by exploring.

The stars seemed to go on forever, swirling against the inky darkness. "What do you want to do when you grow older?" Eline asked.
"Hmm?" I murmured.
She propped herself up on her elbow to look at me, "You're the fifth son. You can do anything you want."
"I know, but my mother will probably choose something for me."
"You don't have to follow your mother's wishes," she said, a tinge of defiance just beneath the surface.
"You've met my mother, you know that's not an option." Even just saying it, I felt dirty, as if mother could hear me talking ill of her. And then there was the feeling that if she did hear me say it, she would feel pride in her dominance.
"But say it was. Say you could do anything that your heart desired. What would it be?"
It felt almost dangerous saying it aloud, "Exploring. It would be incredible to go off into uncharted territory and foreign lands having wild adventures and studying new cultures."
"That's fitting. I can just imagine you being chased by a hungry jungle cat," she giggled.
I elbowed her, "What about you then?"
"What do you mean? I'm the oldest, my destiny is mapped out for me." There was no harshness to her words, but there wasn't blind devotion either.
"Well, you will have to get married. You won't join your husband's house?"
"He'll have to join my house, there is no way I'm marrying someone of higher rank. Who's there? Jerlorn? Solin? Hah! Could you imagine me? High Queen? Or Rionel curse him, a foreign prince?"
I put my hands up in surrender, "Fair, fair."
She fidgeted and her arm brushed against mine fleetingly. "But even then, I wouldn't give up my position. I love what my family does, I have so many big plans and I just want to get started on them." She turned back to look at the stars but I couldn't help but look at her. Her sheer determination and force of will shining through as she looked into the cosmos, like she was daring it to tell her no.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Erion Uradavi ’s favorite food?

Onell's currant bread

Politics - What politics does Erion Uradavi have?

He thinks that the country should move back towards the diarchy system.

Occupation - What is Erion Uradavi ’s occupation?

Was the High Spymaster of Darion, now is a miller

Favorite color - What is Erion Uradavi ’s favorite color?

The blue of the Strician ocean

Favorite possession - What is Erion Uradavi ’s favorite possession?

His wedding ring

Favorite weapon - What is Erion Uradavi ’s favorite weapon?

Sword and his boot knife.

Favorite animal - What is Erion Uradavi ’s favorite animal?


info History
Birthday - When is Erion Uradavi ’s birthday?

April 17 1031 AE

Background - What is Erion Uradavi ’s background?

His background is the entire first book.
- His family is the house that is in charge of all the medical procedures and practices within the country.
- He was raised in the Pravaci Court Palace and district, he meets Marielle in the outer districts and falls in love with her.
- He is sent abroad to an assassin/ spy training academy for four years.
- When he returns he is expected to become the spymaster for his mother's seedy underground operations, to which everything he learns from her is heavily compartmentalized.
- Soon after returning, he finds that Marielle is engaged to one of his best friends.
- Once he is at home, in a fit of anger he demolishes a few of his mother's things and then has to explain himself to her.
- He lies along the lines of "If I can't have her nobody can" because he can't show that he is actually furious with his mother. (Blames her for sending him away)
- She then tells him part of her plan to place him on the throne, telling him not to worry because she will save Marielle's death for his hands - he will have his revenge
- He makes plans to save her
- When he is supposed to kill Marielle, he instead kidnaps her and hides her away
- When they are discovered, he witness's Marielle's murder and then kills his brother.
- Then resolves to raise Marielle's daughter (and Eline's son) as his own to take back the throne
- End book one, then becomes father figure and mentor to Natiselle and Kraiotan

Education - What is Erion Uradavi ’s level of education?

He has been highly educated since birth, both in books especially in regards to governance but also in spy craft.

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business_center Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
description Storyline
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This character was created by Deca P. Carlisle on

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