info Overview
Name - What is Hecate’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Hecate go by?


Role - What is Hecate’s role in your story?

Major Supporting Protagonist

Age - How old is Hecate?


Gender - What is Hecate’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Hecate have?


Hair Style - How does Hecate style their hair?

Down and messy; goes along her back

Hair Color - What color is Hecate’s hair?


Height - How tall is Hecate?


Weight - How much does Hecate weigh?

204 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Hecate have?

Vicious and pronounced scars all on her back. Every time she's asked how she got them, she gives a different story. Some sound believable ("I was attacked by wild beast") and others more farfetched ("I messed with a duck. It had a knife")

Body Type

Small but strong as heck

Skin Tone


Race - What is Hecate’s race?


Eye Color - What is Hecate’s eye color?

White pupils/black sclera when using a ~special magic~

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Hecate have?

She accidentally becomes condescending and rude to those who can't match her power, but that's why she has friends to keep her in check.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Hecate have?

Snappy and witty comebacks galore
Geeks out over magic a lot
Sarcastic 24/7
Almost always immature
Crude; she loves dirty jokes

Motivations - What motivates Hecate most?

Find her mother
Learn every single type of magic
Be as gifted as her mother
Know more about the history of witchcraft

Flaws - What flaws does Hecate have?

She sometimes says very inappropriate things at wrong times which make people upset
She had difficulty with understanding and conveying emotions from people
Making her angry will make her use magic relentlessly and recklessly
When practicing or learning new magic, she can get experimental to the point of nearly killing herself
She has moments of uncharacteristic cruelty that consumes her and has her torture her foes for longer than morally acceptable
She also has moments of complete and under apathy or stress when alone with her thoughts

Talents - What talents does Hecate have?

A prodigy in the skill of magic
Can easily communicate with Spirits
Can effortlessly pummel a dude into the ground
Can pull off a nasty jig when you least expect it

Hobbies - What hobbies does Hecate have?


Personality type - What personality type is Hecate?

Although she's described as immature and bratty at times, that doesn't stop her from being a bratty and immature adult woman with the power to teleport vital organs outside of a person's body by blinking.
People underestimate her so, so much simply because she says some very out of place things like 'cars' or 'toilets' or some other completely made up phantasmal nonsense. She opens up best with Kiev and Crefus.

brightness_7 Magic

'All Magic'
This is a mysterious aspect of Cate as Necrotzen may only show mastery over one or few types of magic, but to show proficiency in multiple is puzzling and strange. Luckily, not that many people know this about her. Cate herself can't explain this and finds it just as confounding as everyone else.


Although she commands all magic, Cate has shown to be very sloppy with it and is quite immature and irresponsible with such power. She does not hurt others, rather, she hurts herself, involving all aspects of herself to figure out the limits of her abilities. This includes performing near fatal experiments on herself that include the near destruction of her body, mind, soul, and most alarmingly, her existence. Luckily her friends are there to literally smack her over the head with a lead pipe and scream at her as to why self-experimentation is bad.

Education - What is Hecate’s level of education?

According to Cate, she learned all of her magic from a special book that belonged to her mother. After she ran away from home, that book was the only thing she brought with her (she was 9 and forgot food was important) and as a result, grew up doing nothing but reading about magic and learning magic. This most likely what led to her incredible prowess over all forms of magic...

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Hecate’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Hecate’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Hecate’s favorite weapon?

Take a wild guess

Favorite possession - What is Hecate’s favorite possession?

"The Complete History of Magic and Witchcraft 24th Edition"

Favorite color - What is Hecate’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Hecate’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Hecate have?

There's no political leaders in a forest

Religion - What religion does Hecate practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Hecate’s birthday?


Background - What is Hecate’s background?

She was very close to her mother and dearly loved her father. One day, her mother unexpectedly disappeared without a trace. To make matters worse, everyone, except Hecate and her father, had apparently forgotten who her mother was, even if they had known her for years.

Then to make matters worse, her father didn't come home. She waited for nearly a month, but he never showed up. Hecate has been abandoned. As a result, she broke down and ran away from home, leaving her home and her past. She grew up on the streets with only her mother's book and learned the rest of witchcraft from there. Although not necessarily evil, she was cruel and uncaring towards anyone she met to the point of ripping out a blind man's eye for an alchemical formula (granted, he was an assassin sent to kill her but still savage af). Cate developed a reputation as a notorious witch who could kill anyone with her gaze. Her happy-go-lucky personality wouldn't develop until she met Liz and Jess. At this time, she was a feared witch who commanded the Black Hound and tore her enemies and adversaries to shreds.

She has a natural gift with magic and effortlessly communicates with ancient beings called Spirits. One of these Spirits made a contract with her to become her familiar, so now she has the personification of fear and misery as her best friend. She later met her two most trusted friends, Jessebelle and Elizabeth, and currently lives with them in a cave deep within the forest, which lands her near main characters and future friends, Crefus and Vincent.

Education - What is Hecate’s level of education?

She didn't have proper schooling since her only source of knowledge was her parents. After a certain event, she quickly adapted to street smarts and knew how to talk to people to mostly push their buttons. She has extensive knowledge and understanding of magic from one simple journal. Meeting Elizabeth only furthered her well of knowledge and made her an incredibly proficient and powerful witch.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Hecate have?

Does Kiev count?

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Independent woman who don't need no man! Except maybe her father cause he was basically 80% of her impulse control.

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This character was created by Dinosore19 on

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