info Overview
Name - What is Vincent Voltaire’s full name?

Vincent Voltaire

Other names - What other aliases does Vincent Voltaire go by?


Role - What is Vincent Voltaire’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Vincent Voltaire?


Gender - What is Vincent Voltaire’s gender?

Male (mostly)

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Vincent Voltaire have?


Hair Style - How does Vincent Voltaire style their hair?

Like Jessie from Pokemon but smaller and black

Hair Color - What color is Vincent Voltaire’s hair?


Height - How tall is Vincent Voltaire?

7'9 ft

Weight - How much does Vincent Voltaire weigh?

249 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Vincent Voltaire have?

Bite marks and scars here and there

Body Type

Tall, Slim, Lanky, yet muscular

Race - What is Vincent Voltaire’s race?


Eye Color - What is Vincent Voltaire’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Vincent Voltaire have?

Because of his sister's influence, he held a certain disdain for Kleiname. But after meeting Crefus, that's completely gone
Anyone willing to hurt or judge Crefus is put on his hitlist

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Vincent Voltaire have?

Speaks fancily
Very extravagant
Does the thing when he uses his hands to talk but only when he's very upset
Upbeat and Optimistic most of the time
Sort of a neat freak
When fighting, he has a tendency to almost dance while twirling his swords.

Motivations - What motivates Vincent Voltaire most?

To be as good of a swordsman as his sister
To convince people that Crefus is not to be despised or feared
To become a Rot Mage (fighter)
To become a Vita Mage (healer)

Flaws - What flaws does Vincent Voltaire have?

He gets angry very easily about specific topics concerning Crefus
He constantly strives to be as good as his sister
He's far too protective of Crefus and risks his reputation too often for his sake
They overwhelm each other (although rarely) when Vincent gets too intense or Crefus gets too fed up
Although he wants to be a Vita Mage, his durability necessary for the job is underwhelming

Talents - What talents does Vincent Voltaire have?

Whistling (Necrotzen version of singing)
Sword Fighting

Hobbies - What hobbies does Vincent Voltaire have?

Whistling and dancing
Cutting fruits into Flowers
Fixing up his hair

Personality type - What personality type is Vincent Voltaire?

Don't let neat freak fool you; he is absolutely deadly when dual wielding his blades. He's not afraid to make a mess of his foes. He and his sister, Victoria, trained under their father to master using dual wielded swords. He and Crefus met when Crefus was being attacked by some people, and Vincent fought them off. Vincent had never met anyone like Crefus before (horns, very tall, sharp teeth and claws, dashing and handsome but also a huge dork) but he also met Crefus when he was at a low point in his life. But Vincent persisted and kept their friendship afloat long enough for feelings to develop between them.

brightness_7 Magic

He has an amazing talent at controlling Rehtea magic, the ability to alter the world around oneself superficially. It's very difficult to master due to its very peripheral way

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Vincent Voltaire’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Vincent Voltaire’s favorite animal?

"Anything but rats!"

Favorite weapon - What is Vincent Voltaire’s favorite weapon?

His Dual Wielded Blades

Favorite possession - What is Vincent Voltaire’s favorite possession?

His swords or his hair

Favorite color - What is Vincent Voltaire’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Vincent Voltaire’s occupation?

Hunter/ Professional Whistler

Politics - What politics does Vincent Voltaire have?

Sam - ocracy

Religion - What religion does Vincent Voltaire practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Vincent Voltaire’s birthday?

No calendar

Background - What is Vincent Voltaire’s background?

He and his sister have a strong and healthy rivalry between each other. His mother and father are still alive to this day (surprisingly).

Education - What is Vincent Voltaire’s level of education?

He and his sister were raised by their wealthy mother and father in a healthy, loving family.
He's trained in advanced sword wielding techniques and was given a proper education. He's like, the only character you can file under "Completely Normal and Non-Tragic Upbringing".

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history Changelog
edit Notes

Don't ask me why he's the only one with a last name, I don't know either.

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This character was created by Dinosore19 on

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