info Overview
Name - What is "Sam"’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does "Sam" go by?

"Sam" is their alias, it's a mash between "Sir" and "Ma'am"
Baby Crefus called them "Moppa" (Mash of Momma and Poppa)

Role - What is "Sam"’s role in your story?

Supporting Character/ Parental Figure

Age - How old is "Sam"?


Gender - What is "Sam"’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does "Sam" have?


Hair Style - How does "Sam" style their hair?

Side Pony tail

Hair Color - What color is "Sam"’s hair?

Light grayish

Height - How tall is "Sam"?


Weight - How much does "Sam" weigh?

197 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does "Sam" have?

Long scar across their face

Body Type

Seemingly frail and brittle but can suplex you into the center of the earth without blinking; missing their left arm

Skin Tone

Light grayish fur

Race - What is "Sam"’s race?


Eye Color - What is "Sam"’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature

Their left arm is gone

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does "Sam" have?

Grunts too much
Short vague sentences or long winded explanations there's no in between
Hunches too much
All the old people things
Swears like a sailor
Rubs at their facial scar when deep in thought

Motivations - What motivates "Sam" most?

Make sure Crefus doesn't die or get in too much trouble
Make sure the Village doesn't delve into chaos
Their motivations are mostly just their job

Flaws - What flaws does "Sam" have?

The hunching actually is bad for them
Dotes on Crefus just a little too much
Kinda crushed by their past and has almost no motivation or passion

Talents - What talents does "Sam" have?

Unspeakably patient
They don't have a lot going on
They can touch their nose with their tongue

Hobbies - What hobbies does "Sam" have?

Not moving for several hours

Personality type - What personality type is "Sam"?

Kind of a grouch, but genuinely has a good heart. They are very protective of Crefus even though he's a grown man (?). The reason they're both genders is because the magic that flows through their body is unstable for unknown reasons, so every word they say causes their genitals to flux rapidly. Enjoy that image lmao. They're old and tired pretty much 24/7, but are incredibly skilled in fighting. Even though they're a Necrotzen, they aren't that great at magic and are rarely seen using it.

brightness_7 Magic
groups Social
Favorite food - What is "Sam"’s favorite food?

"I care even less."

Favorite animal - What is "Sam"’s favorite animal?

"Holy sh*t, I don't care, leave me alone."

Favorite weapon - What is "Sam"’s favorite weapon?


Favorite possession - What is "Sam"’s favorite possession?


Favorite color - What is "Sam"’s favorite color?

"I don't know, white? Why are you asking me? Let me sleep."

Occupation - What is "Sam"’s occupation?

Grand Elder

Politics - What politics does "Sam" have?

They ARE politics (They're one of the Grand Elders of their village)

Religion - What religion does "Sam" practice?


info History
Background - What is "Sam"’s background?

"You're not like the others, huh?"

"Your Core was defective; I'm so sorry for messing you up like this..."

"I won't throw you out, you'll be useful for something."

"You're a really good friend, you know that?"

"Even though you came out wrong, you were still blessed with something the others don't have..."

"It's not safe here, you have to go."

"That's an order."

After a horrible dream, Sam was awakened in a little town called Leebada. Old, tired, yet full of strength, they basically elected themselves as a member of the Town Council and originally wanted to be head of combat orientation, but the fact that they had one arm put them in charge of foreign affairs. They are considered one of the best ambassadors that Leebada has ever had due to their mutual respect with the Kleiname. Despite this, the town sees it as mostly odd and suspicious rather than miraculous. Sam has felt that the Kleiname were more understanding than their fellow Necrotzen. They had made good friends with their bodyguard, Anaya, who accompanied them during important negotiations. She was of strong will and of a stronger heart who was one of the only Necrotzen to respect Sam as an equal. But after a traitorous decision, she was executed by order of the Grand Elders and was burned alive. Sam was devastated by her passing and had to deal with all their affairs alone.
Of these affairs, they were tasked with disposing a horrid hybrid of a Kleiname and a Necrotzen. Such an appalling creature had no right to live and exist in this world, as the others would put it. But Sam felt as if there was no need to kill an actual infant baby child, and opted to raise the orphan themself. Many mocked them for their decision, but they continue to keep watch over the hybrid even as of today, as he grew up and became loved by his friends.

Education - What is "Sam"’s level of education?

With a past shrouded in mystery, it's not known where they learned about magic and about the history of the Guardians, but their wisdom is nearly unrivaled to anyone in Leebada. Although they can't use magic well, they are very knowledgeable about it's origins and those who were proficient in its arts.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

old n sad

Character chevron_right Fathers link linked "Sam"

Character chevron_right Mothers link linked "Sam"

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked "Sam"

Character chevron_right Friends link linked "Sam"

Location chevron_right Leaders link linked "Sam"

This character was created by Dinosore19 on

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