info Overview
Name - What is Mutua Fraxina’s full name?

Mutua Fraxina

Role - What is Mutua Fraxina’s role in your story?

The expert in using magic

Gender - What is Mutua Fraxina’s gender?


Age - How old is Mutua Fraxina?


face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mutua Fraxina have?

She has the longest hair of any character in the story and wears heavy animal hide traditional Kalistian garments.

Weight - How much does Mutua Fraxina weigh?

130 lbs

Height - How tall is Mutua Fraxina?


Hair Color - What color is Mutua Fraxina’s hair?

Black, but graying, with two gold streaks on each side of the top of the head (qaltzan streaks)

Hair Style - How does Mutua Fraxina style their hair?

Knee-length and cut layered. her hair is very thick and wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mutua Fraxina have?


Eye Color - What is Mutua Fraxina’s eye color?


Race - What is Mutua Fraxina’s race?

100% Mainlander Vulxin (Kalist)

Skin Tone

pink-based light skin

Body Type

average height for a mainland qaltzan. She is middle aged, so she has gray hair and wrinkles, but takes great care of herself and is in great shape, with toned muscles.

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Mutua Fraxina have?

tends to get judgmental about vulxin who forget their ancestral traditions and participate in human cultures instead

Talents - What talents does Mutua Fraxina have?

Mutua is 100% Mainland vulxin, and Mainland vulxin are better at sensing and using magic than Island vulxin.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Mutua Fraxina have?

studying Kalistian (language of her ancestors) and Kalistian culture, and making clothes by hand which is how it's done in Kalist.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Mutua Fraxina have?

tends to keep her hands in front of her and together

Motivations - What motivates Mutua Fraxina most?

Finding her daughter and bringing her back from the Fairy King's grip

Flaws - What flaws does Mutua Fraxina have?

can get very preachy. She is very traditional and follows the ways of qaltzans on their home planet (which is very unusual even for qaltzans on Earth) and believes her way of doing things is the best.

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