info Overview
Name - What is Kaiser Wycoy’s full name?

Kaiser Wycoy

Role - What is Kaiser Wycoy’s role in your story?

Alaka's sidekick and guide to the forbidden land.

Gender - What is Kaiser Wycoy’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Kaiser Wycoy go by?

128th Sonyien

Age - How old is Kaiser Wycoy?


face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kaiser Wycoy have?

albino skin and hair, besides gold streaks and orange eyes which are not pigmented by melanin

Weight - How much does Kaiser Wycoy weigh?

127 lbs

Height - How tall is Kaiser Wycoy?


Hair Color - What color is Kaiser Wycoy’s hair?

stark white with a gold streak on either side of the top of his head

Hair Style - How does Kaiser Wycoy style their hair?

shaved undercut with the top long, but French braided and ending in a ponytail

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kaiser Wycoy have?


Eye Color - What is Kaiser Wycoy’s eye color?

orange on the outside and blue in the middle

Race - What is Kaiser Wycoy’s race?

100% Mainland Qaltzan (Luokoenian)

Skin Tone

completely pale due to albinism

Body Type

average height for a Mainland qaltzan, and has a lean body with some muscle and some fat.

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Kaiser Wycoy have?

He grew up with the old divide between the Mainland vulxin and the Island vulxin - Mainland vulxin are better at using magic, but Island vulxin are physically bigger and stronger. He grew up with the impression that Islanders are unintelligent brutes. This quickly changes once he meets Reed and other Islanders.

Talents - What talents does Kaiser Wycoy have?

extensive knowledge of death, souls, and the afterlife, and owns the Tether Stones, which can be used to bring someone back from the dead

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kaiser Wycoy have?

Learning the ancient history and traditions of Luokoen, a country on the planet Nairmosse, where his ancestors are from

Personality type - What personality type is Kaiser Wycoy?

intelligent and self-confident. He is not very loud or outspoken, but is not shy either, and will voice his opinion when asked for it. He enjoys playing the "hero" role which often leads him to help people in danger. When he's older, he becomes kind of a flirt and enjoys flirting with women and setting his male friends up with them


Albinism - skin is prone to sunburn, eyes are sensitive to light and his left eye is slightly lazy - he wears an eyepatch in part 3 to correct this

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kaiser Wycoy have?

tends to go on long tangents of explaining things, especially related to vulxin or the afterlife

Motivations - What motivates Kaiser Wycoy most?

In part 1, he is only motivated to help Alaka out of orders and guilt.
In part 3, he is motivated to bring back his daughter, and to put an end to the chaos Fairies have caused on Earth.

Flaws - What flaws does Kaiser Wycoy have?

self-confident, which means he sometimes overestimates how cool and/or funny he is. He also underestimates others' ability to do things that he is knowledgeable in, but is also often right in doing so.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Kaiser Wycoy’s occupation?

City Guard and Human Guide. He helps guard Wycoy village from ill-willed humans and lead good-willed humans to safety.

Favorite color - What is Kaiser Wycoy’s favorite color?

dark blue

Favorite food - What is Kaiser Wycoy’s favorite food?

shrimp, although he rarely ever has it since his village is landlocked and doesn't trade very often

Favorite possession - What is Kaiser Wycoy’s favorite possession?

the Tether Stones

Favorite weapon - What is Kaiser Wycoy’s favorite weapon?


Job - What job does Kaiser Wycoy have?

City Guard

Religion - What religion does Kaiser Wycoy practice?

It's not really a religion, but he heavily studies the soul, death, and reincarnation with his great uncle, the 127th Death Traverser.

info History
Birthday - When is Kaiser Wycoy’s birthday?

January 6th, 2187

Education - What is Kaiser Wycoy’s level of education?

no formal, federal education. He has informal education that reaches about a 6th grade level, and has extensive education involving vulxin history, recent human history involving vulxin and the Fairy War, and the science of souls, reincarnation, death, and the afterlife

Background - What is Kaiser Wycoy’s background?

He was born in the village Wycoy, about halfway between the nearest human city and Fairy Lake. Wycoy is one of many villages that surround Fairy Lake, that are populated solely by vulxin and serve the purpose of both guarding humanity from Fairies and keeping humans from getting to Fairy Lake. His ancestors came from Nairmosse's country Luokoen, and a tradition that exists in their tribe is that there is always one person chosen for the role of Sonyien, or someone who has the ability to detach their soul from their body and enter the afterlife. Sonyien means "Death Traverser" in Luokoenian. Sonyien are important in bringing people back from the dead if it isn't their time yet, but also giving peace and reassurance to those who have died and their still living relatives and loved ones. Even though he lives on Earth and follows mostly an American lifestyle, the ancient tradition is still preserved and due to winning a competition he became the 128th Sonyien. His great uncle, the 127th Sonyien, passed all his knowledge down to him. Being a Sonyien is not a full-time job though, so that's why he works as a City Guard.

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