info Overview
Name - What is Giordan Winslow’s full name?

Giordan Winslow

Role - What is Giordan Winslow’s role in your story?

Secondary character

Gender - What is Giordan Winslow’s gender?


Age - How old is Giordan Winslow?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Giordan Winslow weigh?

119 lbs

Height - How tall is Giordan Winslow?


Hair Color - What color is Giordan Winslow’s hair?

Dirty blonde

Hair Style - How does Giordan Winslow style their hair?

Long, silky, usually in a ponytail, very well-maintained

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Giordan Winslow have?


Eye Color - What is Giordan Winslow’s eye color?

Light brown

Race - What is Giordan Winslow’s race?


Skin Tone

Warm, golden but light

Body Type

Thin to the point of unhealthy, but this is a result of health issues; he lacks the athleticism and strength he once had

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Giordan Winslow have?

Scar over left lung from gunshot wound

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Giordan Winslow most?

Living longer than he's been told he would
Spending his life taking care of others

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info History
Birthday - When is Giordan Winslow’s birthday?

August 14

Education - What is Giordan Winslow’s level of education?

Up to the equivalent of some college; had school back home up until he was conscripted and had a college-level sort of education in the military

Background - What is Giordan Winslow’s background?

-From a prominent family in Corwyn, Ostvande
-Found out about his sickness at the age of 11, and was told he probably wouldn't live to see 30
-Drafted at the age of 19, despite his health

attach_file Other Facts



In poor physical health; has a chronic hereditary disease that is characterized by respiratory problems, specifically trouble breathing and coughing blood. Also is underweight because bouts of sickness cause him to lose his appetite
In good mental/emotional health; despite past traumas, he seems to handle everything fairly well

Style of Dress

Conservative, likes formal clothes because they make him feel attractive
Typically seen wearing clothes that are too big to hide the fact that he is thin as a rail
Likes neutral colors and also purple
Usually has on a pair of brown lace-up boots that only rise a few inches above his ankle

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history Changelog
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