info Overview
Name - What is Niko Asphodel’s full name?

Niko Asphodel

Role - What is Niko Asphodel’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Niko Asphodel’s gender?


Age - How old is Niko Asphodel?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Niko Asphodel weigh?

117 lbs

Height - How tall is Niko Asphodel?


Hair Color - What color is Niko Asphodel’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Niko Asphodel style their hair?

Somewhat short, parted right, a little unkempt at times

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Niko Asphodel have?

Rarely any, sometimes a little stubble

Eye Color - What is Niko Asphodel’s eye color?


Race - What is Niko Asphodel’s race?


Skin Tone

Very, very pale, but capable of tanning

Body Type

Small, appears frail, but has muscle tone

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Niko Asphodel have?

Scars: on left ear, several along chest and back, small scar over nose
Other: not part of his body, but he does wear glasses- thick, black rectangular frames

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Niko Asphodel have?

Makes jokes/puns when he's upset or nervous
Frequently pushing his glasses back up his face
Hands often in pockets

Motivations - What motivates Niko Asphodel most?

Justice, obligations towards his best friend and his sister, anger towards those who have wronged him and others, the idea of a second chance

Flaws - What flaws does Niko Asphodel have?

Cocky, reckless/impulsive at times (but really only when he's high on emotion), insensitive

Prejudices - What prejudices does Niko Asphodel have?

Is 100% anti-Mafia and as a result hates Ilya for a long time
Hates people who are older than him and underestimate him ever

Talents - What talents does Niko Asphodel have?

Excellent shot, fire magic, strategist

Hobbies - What hobbies does Niko Asphodel have?

Reading, journaling, playing strategy games

Personality type - What personality type is Niko Asphodel?

Lawful Neutral
Highly intelligent- has spent his whole life learning and developing strategies for the military to use
Stubborn- if he wants something done, he finds a way to get it done, and he is a born survivor
Proud- Takes great pride in his accomplishments, his smarts, and his charisma
Charismatic- people are drawn to him, and they often believe everything he says (this is much less effective on people who know him well)
Just- Likes something of a system of law and order, and prefers people to follow it or face the consequences
Strong- emotionally and physically hard to crack under pressure
Often does not show a whole lot of emotion, whether he's hiding it or doesn't feel it at all; he believes that to be a sign of weakness, however, emotion does often influence his actions at the core or subconsciously
Independent- While he likes having others to back him up, he is capable of accomplishing daunting tasks on his own
Kind- mostly because there is no reason to not be kind; kindness is a good way to get people to like you and help you in the future
Quick on his feet- can come up with plans and solutions by simply glancing at a problem
Insensitive- Not always so considerate of others. He likes to be kind usually, but when he has a plan or idea, usually he doesn't think very much about how it will affect others until someone points it out or until an adverse outcome is met

folder_open More Personality

Awful person who keeps cheating death


Hard-core realist

Proud of

His intelligence and wit, his charisma and ability to lead


Losing his sister
People not listening to him or believing him

Ashamed of

All of the bad things he did under orders

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Niko Asphodel practice?

Genuinely doesn’t know or care, so probably agnostic

Politics - What politics does Niko Asphodel have?


Occupation - What is Niko Asphodel’s occupation?

Soldier for Mundivi (formerly)
Leader of Resistance (later in the story)

Favorite color - What is Niko Asphodel’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Niko Asphodel’s favorite food?

Lamb and potatoes

Favorite possession - What is Niko Asphodel’s favorite possession?

An old locket he found on a battlefield

Favorite weapon - What is Niko Asphodel’s favorite weapon?

Sword of any kind, but doesn't mind guns and can also kill with a cutting wit

Favorite animal - What is Niko Asphodel’s favorite animal?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Niko Asphodel have?


info History
Birthday - When is Niko Asphodel’s birthday?


Education - What is Niko Asphodel’s level of education?

Had full base-level education up until he joined the military, which added to his education, to the point where he's got about the equivalent of a bachelor's degree

Background - What is Niko Asphodel’s background?

Grew up in Felstaat, where he decided to join the Mundivian army, against his parents' wishes. He was 10 when he was first sent off to training, and 14 when the Surissla Uprisings started. He was occasionally sent out on the field with older soldiers, as he was viewed to be a prodigy with a knack for battle planning and a loyal heart for his nation. They were already ready to place a sword at his side and a gun in his hand. He soon was expected to start killing, capturing, and torturing dissenters in Surissla- most of them civilians, since he was not yet deemed old enough to fight soldiers. He was surprisingly immune to the emotion that came with killing others. It felt awful, but he was able to switch off that emotion, and he proved to be a most excellent asset to his country. When Niko was 16, a full-on war broke out, and he was expected to fight on the front. Battling was terrifying at first, because he wasn't only trying to kill opposing soldiers, but also stay alive himself. He met Giordan Winslow around the same time, who was a little more experienced and was able to help him keep a level head. After this, Niko rose through the ranks at an astounding rate and soon became Lieutenant Colonel. He was able to lead his own groups of infantry and was one of the lead strategists in his sector of the military. However, the Surissla War was difficult and lasted for five years. Although Mundivi had the advantage of numbers, Surissla used tactics that had never been seen before, which caused horrible things to happen and horrible losses to occur in Mundivi. The turning point of the war came when Niko was 19, just shy of 20. He was placed in charge of a group, and the battle was the bloodiest thing he ever saw. Niko himself was found unconscious, lying in a river, by Giordan, who had been seriously ill and unable to fight that day. He learned that everyone in his ranks had died, and was heartbroken because of the failure on his part. Because of his injuries, Niko wasn't expected to fight for a few months, so he instead continued to strategize and try to bring in a victory for Mundivi. He eventually was sent back on the field, but conditions were no better. The conflict had elevated to a total war. Civilians were not immune to the fighting and death. Eventually, Mundivi was forced to surrender, because its own states were becoming restless due to the war; it had drained resources and caused other domestic issues. After the war, Niko returned home to his sister, but their relationship was forever altered. At the time his parents were gone for work; they would often be gone for months at a time. That night, Niko was killed in his sleep, stabbed 23 times. His mother was the perpetrator; she was still angry and bitter about his service and how he lent a hand to the waste, destruction, and abuse that the military came with. Approximately a year later, Elizah, Niko's little sister, brought him back from the dead using the Life Stone, which places us at the story's beginning.

attach_file Other Facts



Good physical health, though he bears many scars
Has PTSD, which shows mostly through flashbacks brought on by triggers, dreams that are exaggerated versions of things that happened to him, and anxiety attacks

Style of Dress

Comfortable and conservative, wears a lot of gray; at first, he wears his uniform most of the time, which is gray with red accents

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