info Overview
Name - What is Xander Solano’s full name?

Xander Solano

Role - What is Xander Solano’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Xander Solano go by?


Gender - What is Xander Solano’s gender?


Age - How old is Xander Solano?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Xander Solano weigh?

143 lbs

Height - How tall is Xander Solano?

5' 10

Hair Color - What color is Xander Solano’s hair?

Raven black

Hair Style - How does Xander Solano style their hair?

Long, covers face partially

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Xander Solano have?


Eye Color - What is Xander Solano’s eye color?

Steel Gray

Race - What is Xander Solano’s race?


Skin Tone

Relatively light, with olive undertones

Body Type

Broad-shouldered, narrow hips and waist, long legs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Xander Solano have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Xander Solano have?

Slouching posture
Slow gait but long stride
Hiding in his cloak
Touching his hair/brushing it from his eyes
Tapping his foot

Motivations - What motivates Xander Solano most?

Fear (especially of dying, and especially early on), doing the right thing (as part of his core nature, sets in better as the story continues)

Flaws - What flaws does Xander Solano have?

Sensitive, cowardly, gullible, naive

Prejudices - What prejudices does Xander Solano have?

Very open-minded and forgiving usually, but can't understand those who intentionally seriously harm others

Talents - What talents does Xander Solano have?

Shadow magic, very high emotional intelligence, painting and charcoal drawing

Hobbies - What hobbies does Xander Solano have?

Sewing, cooking, reading, visual arts, writing

Personality type - What personality type is Xander Solano?

Neutral Good
Traits: highly intelligent, quick on his feet- usually very good at thinking his way around fights and out of situations
loyal- always will stick with the people he trusts merciful- will spare a life or feelings even when it doesn't make sense to do so
independent- has literally lived alone and functioned on his own since he was 13
Highly perceptive- notices changes others don't and can sense others' feelings
skittish- will usually turn the other way when faced with danger, whether it be a spider or a fight
forgiving- if he's hurt, he realizes that the other person has done it for a reason and tries to understand
emotional- probably cries way too much and feels emotions of himself and others very intensely
kind- will often go out of his way to help others, or do things he doesn't necessarily want to do

folder_open More Personality

Not a very good person, but he's trying



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Xander Solano practice?

Polytheistic, very spiritual and worldly
Belief in reincarnation
Ancestor piety
Very loose practices, and very little prayer
Focus on world's beauty

Politics - What politics does Xander Solano have?

Not really a lot of specific views, but disagrees with the nation's cruelty and wants nothing but justice.

Occupation - What is Xander Solano’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Xander Solano’s favorite color?

Forest Green

Favorite food - What is Xander Solano’s favorite food?

Freshly-caught fish or rice

Favorite possession - What is Xander Solano’s favorite possession?

His sketchbook

Favorite weapon - What is Xander Solano’s favorite weapon?

Magic/Shadow blade

Favorite animal - What is Xander Solano’s favorite animal?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Xander Solano have?

None, had a little gray cat when he was younger

info History
Birthday - When is Xander Solano’s birthday?

March 9

Education - What is Xander Solano’s level of education?

Private schooling up to age 12

Background - What is Xander Solano’s background?

Taken from home by father as a baby, always told his mother was dead
Raised in a city on the Vestferian coast where he learned fishing and became well-versed in the arts
Was private schooled for some time and has a good basic education
His father was killed when he was 13, and so he turned to a life of thieving because Mundivian foster care is poor
Spent years searching for information on the Life Stone, which led him to Felstaat

attach_file Other Facts



In good physical health
Likely has anxiety

Style of Dress

Cloaks (his favorite one is forest green), loose-fitting and dark clothing, black knee-high boots, likes to wear touches of green

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Bec on

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