description Overview
Name - What is Ginger’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Ginger go by?

Known as the "Fox Girl." Sometimes called "Ginge" or "The Little Ginger Lass"

Role - What is Ginger’s role in your story?

Protagonist, Fox

Gender - What is Ginger’s gender?


Age - How old is Ginger?

7 (fox years, looks 17)

create Looks



Golden Brown.


Wears it down, long in the front, short in the back, uneven pieces sticking out (cuts it herself.) Very fluffy.

Height - How tall is Ginger?


Body Type

Toned, not overweight but not skinny, wee bit plump.

Skin Tone

Fair and rosy

mood Nature
Talents - What talents does Ginger have?

An amazing seamstress, (sews all her own clothes), and can make people smile with her dancing and funny (almost) true stories!

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ginger have?

Curls her tail around people when hugging, ears twitch when listening, sniffs new people/things uncontrollably, used to groom herself (like a fox) but was told to stop. Keeps her head high, rocks back and forth on her heels when standing still, sits in a weird little squat, dog-like position thing, goes on all fours when hunting or trying to be stealthy, also does this when approaching someone she respects or deems as important. When sleeping she wraps her tail around herself for warmth. Kind of pounces on people when exited, dances around when happy or whenever she hears music.


Ziff, Caleb, and her 15-year time limit. Thinking of the rest of her friends also motivates her to find a way to lengthen her lifespan.

Flaws - What flaws does Ginger have?

Has a low attention span, very forgetful. Has no sense of personal space. Can't sit still, except when on a boat because she has major seasickness. Slightly mischievous and devious. Often hides feelings when hurting.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ginger have?

Sewing, hunting, dancing. She also enjoys playing her tambourine, particularly while she dances to folk music or whatever upbeat tune is playing. Other hobbies include taking naps, and retelling stories she hears along her travels. However she never tells a story the same way twice because she always forgets details, so it's mostly impromptu.


Ginger is a very energetic, vibrant and ebullient person. She's outgoing, talkative, in your face, and very free-spirited, doing what she wants when she wants. She doesn't care what people think, and never really grasped why humans worry about how others view them. Nevertheless, she still tries to respect people if they tell her not to do something and knows that everyone needs personal space once in a while. She has a very curious nature, and finds learning about different peoples fascinating. She's always memorizing the smells of new places and objects and asks a million questions about everything. She thinks that the world is big and beautiful, and believes that there's no reason to argue about religion and opinions because life is short and you should try to appreciate every moment instead of only focusing on the negative things. She's also very motherly, which is evident since she practically adopted Ziff as her own, and is not afraid to show affection, usually by sniffing, snuggling, and aggressive hugging. She enjoys making people smile and laugh and will make a fool of herself to do it. She hates it when others are sad, so much so that she tries to keep a brave and positive outlook no matter what, often bottling up her own feelings, especially the ones concerning her curse. She has a habit of being extremely blunt and doesn't hesitate to correct Caleb when he says something untrue, while not entirely realizing that he's embarrassed by it. Despite seeming distractible and oblivious sometimes, she can actually be quite sharp and can usually sense when being tricked or when somebody is lying. She also has great awareness of her surroundings, due to her sensitive ears and nose, and can tell when being followed. Also, in spite of seeming quite loving and innocent, she can be quite sly and mischievous, something she accidentally passed along to Ziff. The two of them can practically read each other's mind, and together they can be so convincing that they sometimes even fool Caleb, much to his chagrin.
All in all, Ginger lives life to the fullest and tries to make the most out of every day, since she doesn't have many.

groups Social
Notable Possesions

A tambourine decorated with pink bonding-ribbon.

Favorite Animal - What is Ginger’s favorite animal?

Loves all animals equally (She's a fox that'd be kind of weird).

Favorite Food/s


Favorite Color/s

Likes all colors, but orange, pink, and green are her favorites.

Occupation - What is Ginger’s occupation?

Travels the world telling stories and dancing with her tambourine for money.

Politics - What politics does Ginger have?

Doesn't even know what the word politics means. Just wants everyone to be happy.

Religion - What religion does Ginger practice?

Doesn't really have a religion, (despite being raised by a Iamastin Priest) and all in all doesn't care, but does enjoy learning about the deities that different peoples worship. She thinks of gods and goddesses as more like parents than some great all-powerful beings, and doesn't see why she has to believe in one over the other. She's just thankful to whoever made that world.

info History
Education - What is Ginger’s level of education?

Was taught basic education by the Iamastin Priest she was raised by. However, she doesn't remember too much arithmetic, and her vocabulary's still limited. The one thing she does remember is history, and a little training in magic.

Background - What is Ginger’s background?

Ginger was originally a fox living on an island home to a village where children born with too much magic energy were brought to learn how to control it. Many of the children knew the neighboring fox and would leave out scraps of food for her until a friendship between them was founded. One day, a group of strange men and women raided the island and began to slaughter the adults and kidnap the children, who despite their great magical ability couldn't defend themselves. Ginger attempted to save one of her human friends, a girl named Lotus, who was trapped under the remains of a building, but couldn't because she wasn't strong enough. Lotus, as a last resort, cast a spell onto the fox, who felt new strength and was able to pull her out. However, they were caught. Lotus was taken and the vixen was knocked out. When Ginger awoke, she felt sick. She was on a ship in a storage cabin, mistaken for dead. She wobbled her way around, till a crew member found her-- standing on her hind legs. Thinking she was a fox taken over by some demon, they threw her overboard. Luckily she was rescued by a kelpa, who brought her safely to shore.
For a while, she wandered around wondering what was happening to her, until she was caught stealing food by an Iamastin Priest, named Titus. Sensing the strange creature in front of him had a curse on it, the priest took her in, and discovered she was a fox turning into a human. He attempted to help reverse the curse, but nothing he tried worked. So, the priest decided to take care of the fox-child, in hopes to give her a chance to live out her life happily. He, and his fellow priests and townsfolk, referred the fox-human creature as "The Little Ginger Lass", because of her ginger-colored fur. For a while, it was like having a dog in a child's body, which was what they expected. However, as the curse continued, they realized something. Her intelligence was increasing. And that meant that the type of curse was breaking the Eighth Law of Magic from the Book of Iama. Some of the other priests said that if they couldn't remove the curse, they should kill her and "cleanse" her from the Enemy, but Titus wouldn't let them touch the fox. He told them that it wasn't her fault that she had this curse on her, and that killing her would be serving the Enemy more than letting her live. They agreed, but decided to get a professional mage doctor to see if they could cure her. Unfortunately, the mage doctor couldn't do anything either, the curse was too complicated. He did, however discover that even though her mind and body was changing, her lifespan was not. At the most, she'd only live to fifteen years old.
No one knew what to do, but, Titus knew he wasn't going to let anyone kill her since her life was so short already. So, having no children of his own, he decided to raise her despite some of the other priests disagreeing. And he gave her a shorter, more proper name: "Ginger." And so, Ginger lived as the priest's daughter, and grew more and more human by the day. She soon learned to talk, and began to refer to Father Titus as "Papa." She was taught how to farm and grow things, and had basic chores like every other child, and, like every other child, she procrastinated and didn't do them. She also discovered that farming sickles made hunting way easier.
However, she was scared. She knew she was a fox, but every time her humanity increased, she didn't feel any different. She knew something had changed, but she felt as if she had been that way her whole life. It was almost like the fox part of her was fading away, and she didn't want to lose it. But at the same time, she learned to love her humanity, being able to talk and read, and she didn't want to lose that part either. So she tried to distract herself from these feelings, and did her best to not think about it.
Something else they soon discovered that was strange was that Ginger had Magic Power. Only humans were supposed to have Magic Power, no animal with the gene had ever been recorded. This brought even more conflict between the priests, because there was nothing in the Book of Iama prohibiting giving animals Magic Power, but there was no way to do this! It was impossible! So if she was indeed developing the gene this curse must be influenced by some supernatural means. Nevertheless, Titus kept this a secret from Ginger, and taught her some magic. He wasn't going to let the gift she was given go to waste, though, some of the others thought this gift was given by the Enemy.
After a couple months living with the Priest, a strange man moved into the neighborhood. He was a bit younger than Titus, and was grumpier too. His name was Jora, and he was a retired soldier looking for a quiet place to live. Unfortunately, with Ginger around his life would be anything but quiet. He made bonding-ribbon, magic-infused ribbon that works like AI and will move on its own. Though mostly used for common tasks, it also can be a great weapon and Jora specialized in combat with it. Ginger caught him practicing with it, and immediately became enchanted with the ribbon. She begged him to teach her how to use it and though being denied and denied time and time again, he finally gave in and taught her how to fight with it, and all in all fight in general.
For a while, Ginger was happy. However, one day she overhead Titus having an argument with one of the priests. They were arguing about her again. The other priests were becoming more and more attached to Ginger as he was, but they were still torn about it, because they could tell she was scared, plus it went against the Eighth Law. This surprised Ginger, she didn’t know this! Titus had read out of the Book of Iama to her, but never told her about this Eighth Law! She suddenly realized this troubled her Papa, and that’s when she made up her mind. She’d leave the town, and find a way to get rid of this curse, so Titus would never have to argue with his friends about her again. So, off she went, taking a pair of sickles and “borrowing” some pink bonding ribbon and money. Then she wrote Titus, Jora, and all her friends a note explaining where she was going, and promising she’d pay them back.
Not long after, she met a group of Kitsies dancing and playing instruments. It looked like a lot of fun! At first sight of her, the Kitsies immediately mistook her for a Kitsune, and bowed down and thanked her for blessing them with her presence. Ginger, having no idea what was going on, asked them to teach her how to dance like they did, and of course they obeyed her wish! They taught her every step and gifted her with a tambourine, a gift she very much appreciated. When Ginger was about to leave, they asked her to repay their kindness, as Kitsune do. Ginger still had no idea what they were talking about, so asked what they would like her to do. They asked her to bless them with good luck, so, not knowing what else to do, she said “Good luck!” This seemed to make them happy enough, so Ginger went on her way, now as a fox with a tambourine.
She traveled for a good long time after, and learned many things. For one, her type of curse was a "Till-Death" curse, which means it lasts until either Ginger or the caster dies, so, seeing as the curse was still on her it meant Lotus was still alive!
Along the way, Ginger met Ziff, a mogril child, who she had saved from a wild animal. His house had burned down the night before, and his mother had been trapped inside it. Together, though Ziff could barely stop crying, they built a grave for his mother. Ginger felt terrible. She felt she could've saved his mom if she just smelled the smoke sooner. She also then learned Ziff had no other family, besides his father, whom he never met because he left before Ziff had even been born yet. Ginger then decided she's have to be the one to take care of him! She asked the little mogril if he'd like to journey with her, and he agreed. Over time the two developed a mother-son sort of relationship, and Ginger loved him more than anything. She also realized, she didn't care anymore about whether she was fox or human, all she wanted was to live longer than 15 years. So, despite not telling him, Ginger decided that she'd find a way to lengthen her lifespan, no matter what, in order to stay with her new family longer. She wasn't sure how she would do this, but finding Lotus seemed like a good bet since she put the curse on her in the first place.
At last they met Caleb, and after telling him his sister was still alive, he asked to join their party. So then, the adventure began, and they all set off to look for Lotus!

Birthday - When is Ginger’s birthday?

April 30th

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Ginger have?

None, she's a fox.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

More about her curse:
Despite Ginger's body and mind turning human, her lifespan does not. She will only live 15 years, the entire time becoming more and more human, as well as appearing more aged. I. e., on the 15th year of her life she will die an old, gray-haired completely human lady. On another note, this curse is incredibly complicated, more than any "Change Being" curse anyone in Adamah has seen. For one, unlike most "Change Being" curses, where the victum's intelligence, thought process, and romantic preference don't change, Ginger's does. Her intelligence is increased, her thought processes are more complicated, and as the years go by she's less and less attracted to foxes, and more and more to humanoid races. The scary thing about this curse is it's sense of normality. Every time she gains humanity, nothing feels different, as if she has always been human. As if she's being split into two separate beings. This leaves Ginger conflicted, because now, the thought of her returning to a fox frightens her, because she's scared of losing this new found humanity; however, completely becoming human scares her as well, for she doesn't want who she used to be to die either.
Despite not knowing whether she wishes to live as fox or human, she does know she wants to lengthen her lifespan so to not leave her new-found family at 15.
One last fact; this type of curse is known as a "Till Death" curse, where the curse will stay until undone or until either the castor or the victim dies. Since Ginger is still alive and still turning human, this means Lotus is still alive as well.

Ziff: A 10 year old mogril (shape-shifting humanoid race) boy whom she saved from being eaten from a wild animal when he was 7. His mother died in a house fire the night before he met Ginger, so she, feeling like she could've saved his mother if she smelled the smoke sooner, took him under her wing. Loves him more than anything. (He doesn't know Ginger will die at 15)

Caleb: Lotus' older brother, age 19. After learning that his sister is still alive, he joined Ginger's party in hopes to find Lotus, and overtime became one of of Ginger's dearest, and most trusted, friends. Ginger appreciates his company, and especially values his bond with Ziff because Ziff never had a male, father-like figure. (Because of Ginger's human looks and personality, Caleb accidentally developed feelings for her, but he denies everyone, even himself, that these feelings exist)

Iamastin: The religion centered on the God Iama.

Kelpa: an aquatic, undersea, humanoid race.

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This character was created by Thia L. on

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