info Overview
Name - What is Charlotte Chambers’s full name?

Charlotte Chambers

Gender - What is Charlotte Chambers’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Charlotte Chambers go by?


Role - What is Charlotte Chambers’s role in your story?

Nathan's Mentor

Age - How old is Charlotte Chambers?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Charlotte Chambers weigh?

120 lbs

Height - How tall is Charlotte Chambers?


Hair Color - What color is Charlotte Chambers’s hair?


Body Type

Lithe, could be described as willowy but she’s a bit on the stringy side

Skin Tone


Race - What is Charlotte Chambers’s race?

Chinese (is that a race?)

Eye Color - What is Charlotte Chambers’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Charlotte Chambers have?


Hair Style - How does Charlotte Chambers style their hair?

Always up in a bun

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Charlotte Chambers have?

Sharp jawline

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Charlotte Chambers have?

Running; Sculpting; hunting

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Charlotte Chambers have?

Blinks a lot; jumpy; swings arms when nervous; takes hair down and puts it back up

Motivations - What motivates Charlotte Chambers most?

Her group; her pride; staying alive and proving herself

Flaws - What flaws does Charlotte Chambers have?

Her temper; Suspicious; cold; cannot hide her emotions

Prejudices - What prejudices does Charlotte Chambers have?

Dislikes people from (insert village name) and (insert village name)

Talents - What talents does Charlotte Chambers have?

Sculpting; Fighting; Writing and reading

Personality type - What personality type is Charlotte Chambers?

Sharp; warm when needed only

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Charlotte Chambers’s favorite food?

Bread and honey

Favorite animal - What is Charlotte Chambers’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Charlotte Chambers’s favorite weapon?


Favorite possession - What is Charlotte Chambers’s favorite possession?

Her lace headband

Favorite color - What is Charlotte Chambers’s favorite color?

Dark Purple

Occupation - What is Charlotte Chambers’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Charlotte Chambers have?


Religion - What religion does Charlotte Chambers practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Charlotte Chambers’s birthday?


Background - What is Charlotte Chambers’s background?

Raisers were poor and uneducated, she taught herself to read and write, and gave herself the little education she has; when she was Released, only Axel's group was open, but they didn't take her because of her social status. So she was alone for a year, a ten year old in the plains. She was almost mauled to death her first night. Then she took in Nathan at 11 years, Will two years later and Tess the year after that. She's very independent.

Education - What is Charlotte Chambers’s level of education?

Mentor training

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Charlotte Chambers have?

Look at the notes

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Nathan is not her literal sibling, just considered from both their points of views. And Tess (Teresa) is not her real daughter, just considered as her daughter because of the Group system

folder_open Carrier
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Charlotte Chambers

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This character was created by Mila on

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